
Mill vs Factory

A grinding mill is a unit operation that is designed to break down a solid material into smaller pieces. A factory on the other hand is a building or a set of buildings that contain plants, equipment or...

Income vs Revenue

Income vs Revenue
Revenue is the amount earned from a company’s main activities such as selling merchandise or providing services. Income is the money left for a business after it subtracts costs and expenses from its revenue.

Affiliate vs Subsidiary

Affiliate vs Subsidiary
An ‘affiliate’ is a type of inter-company relationship in which a company owns less than a majority of another company’s stock. A ‘subsidiary’, also known as a daughter company, is a company that is completely...

Cooperatives vs Corporations

Cooperatives vs Corporations
A cooperative is a group of people who come together and voluntarily cooperate for their mutual, social, economic, and cultural benefit. A corporation is a separate legal entity, which is owned by shareholders...

Ltd vs LLC

Ltd vs LLC
Both LLC and Ltd Company issue shared that are privately held and privately traded. In a limited company, the liability of the members or subscribers of the company is limited to what they have invested or...


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