Difference between Boredom and Loneliness

Key Difference: Boredom and loneliness are simply two different terms. Boredom is a subjective state when a person is not interested because of regular revelation or treatment. On the other hand, loneliness is the state when a person does not have anyone to share his feelings with, or it is the time when a person is internally weak and not able to cope with the emotions around them, does not wish to talk to them and requires a distraction.

Boredom is the situation when a person is not at all in a mood of doing any activity. Boredom is when you have had enough of something and you need more of something else. The idiom ‘boredom’ was first expressed in 1852, in the novel 'Bleak House' by Charles Dickens. The term was mainly derived from the French word ‘ennui'.

Boredom is an emotional state when a person has control on his thinking, but his mind does not allow his body to respond. This state of boredom is like an emotional oxymoron. The type of endless boredom happens more to men and people with brain injuries and certain psychotic disorders. For drug addicts, fighting boredom can predict their success in kicking their habit as well.

Loneliness in simple terms means ‘to be alone’. Loneliness is when one feels that he is not enough. A person needs someone other than himself. As you know, you could feel loneliness even when you are with someone. However, basically you feel that you are not enough. Being lonely is a state that arises from a certain situation in a person’s life that leaves them discontent or heartbroken. Situations such as divorce, break up, fight with a friend, betrayal, etc. could leave a person feeling helpless which could give rise to feelings of loneliness. Loneliness is believed to be a negative state of mind, where a person is not sure of themselves, is not able to cope with the emotions around them, does not wish to talk and requires a distraction.

Many experts claim that the feelings of loneliness stem from the childhood of a person and their interactions with their family. Children that were not close to their parents are said to have feelings of being lonely more often, as compared to children that were close to their parents. A person faces loneliness one time or the other in their lives; however the trick is not to let it overwhelm you. It is a feeling that should pass and not be dwelled upon, making the person feel more depressed.

Comparison between Boredom and Loneliness:





Boredom is an emotional state, when a person is not interested because of regular revelation or treatment.

Loneliness is believed to be a negative state of mind, where a person is not sure of themselves, is not able to cope with the emotions around them, does not wish to talk to themselves and require a distraction.

Originated in the year




Lack of variety

Lack of connectedness


Temporary state

Temporary state


Blahs, doldrums, ennui, listlessness, restlessness, tedium, weariness

Being alone, solitude, aloneness, isolation, lonesomeness


  • Indifferent – appear relaxed, calm and withdrawn
  • Apathetic – helplessness; they show little arousal and a lot of aversion
  • Calibrating – their thoughts wander
  • Reactant – negative emotions
  • Searching – experiencing negative feeling disagreeable restlessness
  • Interpersonal loneliness
  • Social loneliness
  • Cultural loneliness
  • Intellectual loneliness
  • Psychological loneliness
  • Existential or cosmic loneliness

Extends to

Boredom may extend to depression.

Loneliness may extend to social, mental or emotional factors.


  • Find Something to Do
  • Play a game
  • Write a list on any subject
  • Listen to your favorite music and/or dance
  • Write a letter, story, poem, or anything of your interest
  • Get a part-time job if you are free for longer period of time
  • Learn something new in your life
  • Take a long drive
  • Avoid day-dreaming
  • Work on improving and making yourself happy
  • Consider joining a gym it gives mind a relaxation
  • Learn a new skill
  • Do something big
  • Realize that you aren't alone
  • Get involved in activities rather than sitting ideally
  • Do social activities by yourself
  • Call or get together with the people you know
  • Spend time with your family
  • Join an online community

Image Courtesy: lifehacker.com, articulo350.blogspot.com

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