Difference between Joint Family and Nuclear Family

Key Difference: In simple terms, the main difference between joint family and nuclear family is that a joint family is a big family, whereas a nuclear family is a small family.

Family is the most important part of a person; from an early age a child is taught the importance of a family and the part he/she is expected to play in the family. Girls are most commonly taught about cooking, while boys are taught the family business. However, these importances are differentiated according to the families people live in. In this article, let us mainly focus on two families, i.e. joint family and nuclear family.

In a joint family, even if parents go to work, grandparents will be taking care of the children. They will be instructing them the right manners and good qualities about life, and turn the life of children in the opposite way. In the nuclear family, parents quarrel with each other and there is no one to settle the issue. However, in joint family there are parents or in-laws to give advice to the parents to settle the issue.

Tribes, small villages, group of people and such small civilization units are the predecessors of the joint families. Joint families are still common in several parts of the worlds, India, China, African nations and even Arab nations having a large number of such families. Whereas, nuclear families are widely popular in the United States and Europe.

A major importance is placed on family; traditional cultures suggest living in joint families, where parents, male children, children’s spouses and grandchildren, all reside in the same house. However, nuclear families have started receiving more importance in urban cultures.

Comparison between Joint Family and Nuclear Family:


Joint Family

Nuclear Family



A type of extended family composed of parents, their children, and the children's spouses and offspring in one household.

A social unit composed of two parents and one or more children.





Joint Family is mostly helpful in developing good qualities of the individual.

In a nuclear family, it is not necessary that parents can’t develop good qualities in their children, but yes, it is true that this becomes difficult at times.


The primary emotion is a general affectionate bond between two generations and within the members of the generations.

Nuclear family is mainly based upon the emotion of parental love and sibling connection and hence the structural functionalism (mechanism of relationships) is fairly straightforward.


Joint families have less freedom.

Nuclear families have more freedom.

Financial needs

Joint family has less financial needs.

Nuclear family has more financial needs.

Youngsters prefer

Youngsters who prefer social life with better support system prefer joint families.

Youngsters prefer freedom and less restriction choose nuclear family.


Joint families have more quarrels.

Nuclear families have fewer quarrels.

Image Courtesy: marathiactors.com, sheknows.com

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my family is a nuclear family i think nuclear family is very good and my family is very happy

Joint family and single family both are good in their own place but i would like to prafer with joint family becouse in join family you can share your enjable movement with the whole member if you do somthing wrong they will tell you what is wrong and right if any problem has arrive they can solve it if someone try to beat you you have some people they will protect you that's why joint family is really good for me

i tink that nuclear family is much good then joint family because i am from nuclear family n i am so happy. I think that in joint family there many fight in small think Naqiya..

Hey! Nice article.

i think both the families r good it depends on individual thinking but joint families r good as compared to nuclear families b/c in nuclear families it can be seen that both mother nd father r doing job outside nd they leave their children on responsibility of their maid but maid/servant only do their job thats it they will not teach any moral etics to child thats why i think joint families r good

Joint family is better

DOES BELOW LINE MAKE ANY SENSE? However, these importances are differentiated according to the families people live in. These Importances ?

Join family is good way to spend life happily.


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