Difference between Showering and Bathing

Key Difference: Showering and bathing are both related to body cleansing activities. Showering makes use of a shower nozzle which sprays water. On the other hand, bathing is associated with usage of bath tubs filled with water or any other aqueous solution in which one submerges the body and then rinses body to clean it. People shower or bath, depending upon their personal choice. However, showering is usually regarded to be a better cleaning activity.

Bathing refers to the act of cleansing body by immersion all or part of the body in water or any other type of aqueous solution which can help in cleaning. Bath or bathing is an important part of personal hygiene. The most essential requirement to bath is water. The term bath may also be used as an umbrella term including all the activities involving cleaning of body by using water or some other liquid. However, when we differentiate bathing and showering, we normally use bathing for tub bathing. A tub bath means that a body or some of its parts are immersed on a tub.

The tub used for bath must be big enough to fit in, if full body bathing is to be done. The tub must be water tight. The tub is filled with water and it is filled until it is enough to submerge the body. The temperature of water may vary depending upon the individual’s preference. One submerges itself in the tub but only upto the neck. One can then use saop or dirt and start cleaning the body. After cleaning, one needs to drain the bath, and dry off.

Showering is another way of cleaning body. It makes use of a spray of water to wash. A person stands under this spray of water. Water can be warm or cold, again depending upon and individual’s preference. Showering is also associated with shower which denotes a place in which showering takes place. Generally, a person uses shower gel to clean the body. Shower gel is a liquid shop.

There is always a debate regarding which is better showering or bathing. Most of the experts seem to find showering better in this context. In a bath tub, a person sits in the bath tub for a long time. This tub gets also traces of dirt which one removes while taking a bathe. Therefore, the water may not be that clean. After bathing, one just wipes the body from a towel; some dirt may remain stuck with the body. In showering, the dirt just flows down with the water. Thus, it is often recommended to take a quick shower after bathing.

On the other hand, one tends to feel more comfortable in a bath tub while bathing. One can easily reach up to different body parts and clean them properly. On the other hand, in a shower, a person is always in a standing position which makes it little tough to reach to different body parts and clean them properly. Showering is not an option for babies; parents use bath tubs to clean their young ones.

Comparison between Showering and Bathing:





Showering is another way of cleaning body. It makes use of a spray of water to wash. A person stands under this spray of water

Bathing refers to the act of cleansing body by immersion all or part of the body in water or any other type of aqueous solution which can help in cleaning.


  • Preferred by people who face some kind of difficulty in getting in and out of a bathtub
  • No need to fill the bath tub with water
  • When a power shower or a shower which is attached to a high pressure central heating system hits the aching part, it eases aching muscles
  • It has been also found that cold showers help in stimulating the immune defense mechanism
  • Young children sit and play in the tub. They enjoy the activity
  • It is a pleasurable and relaxing experience
  • One can read a book,
  • magazine, or even listen to the music while lying in a bath tub
  • Bathing in hot water is very beneficial as it stimulates the immune system, increases the circulation and often is used for therapeutic bathing
  • A considerable long time in a tub acts as a de-stressor


Water efficient

Power showers are capable of using more water than a bath. However, it is also true that most showers use less water than baths.

Practically, bath uses more water than most showers.

Types of showerheads/bath tubs

Fixed and handheld

Alcove, drop-in, free-standing, corner, undermount bathtubs


A quick shower is often preferred when time is a constraint

Generally, people tend to bath for a longer time

Image Courtesy: hdwallpapercorner.com, prlog.org

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