Difference between American Culture and British Culture

Key Difference: The history of America and Britain is intertwined which is why there are a lot of similarities. However, there are many differences between the two cultures as well, including but not limited to behavior, sense of humor, television, preference of food and drinks, sports, etc.

Both America and Britain are countries with very old histories and traditions, so it’s understandable to say that they have developed some very different culture practices. However, the history of America and Britain is intertwined which is why a lot of similarities also occur.

America and Britain are both English speaking countries, and as Britain is the forefounder of the United States there are certain aspects of their culture that they have passed on. However, after almost 250 years apart, these cultures have developed to become unique to their respective countries.

When a tourist travels to American and Britain they might find them to be quite similar. From an outside perspective, both US and UK appear quite similar, they are both English-speaking, and other than some differences in dialect and cuisine they appear to be comparable. Still, when an American travels to Britain or vice versa, they are more likely to notice many differences such as the British life and behavior may seem more laid back to an American, who seem to be prefer a more harried lifestyle. Whereas, to a Briton, Americans always seem to be in a hurry; they can also appear to be forceful or demanding to the relaxed Brit.

Another difference is in the sense of humor. The British are famous for their sarcastic sense of humor; while the Americans have either a straight sense of humor or a self-deprecating one. The British often make fun of Americans for their lack of sarcasm and irony.

In addition to these, there are many other differences between the two cultures, including but not limited to television, preference of food and drinks, sports, etc.

Comparison between American Culture and British Culture:


American Culture

British Culture


United States of America

United Kingdom, mainly Britain.


More hectic, appear to be in a hurry.

Laid back.

Meeting people and making friends

People are more likely to start conversation with strangers in public places

People do not like to converse with strangers and tend to stick to their old and close group of friends

Sense of Humor

Straight forward or self-deprecating

Sarcastic or satirical


Too many channels and programming

Channels are limited, and too few as compared to America


Coffee, Beer, and Wine

Tea, Beer, and Sherry. Wine is usually on occasions.

Food and Cuisine

Fast Food is preferred

Pub Food is preferred


Baseball, American Football, Basketball, Hockey, and Car Racing.

Cricket, Football (Soccer), Rugby, and Tennis.


Left Hand Side driving. Cars tend to have an automatic transmission.

Right Hand Side Driving. Cars tend to have a manual transmission.

Measure System

The old English Imperial system (yards, miles, pounds, Fahrenheit, etc.) for everyday life.

The metric system (metres, grammes, litres, Celsius, etc.)

Image Courtesy: youtube.com, buzzle.com

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This is an interesting topic indeed. I did not know it earlier that donors have so many questions before executing his donations. However, these are genuine and logical. Great post thank Keep doing good job Eva miss

This is an interesting topic indeed. I did not know it earlier that donors have so many questions before executing his donations. However, these are genuine and logical. Great post thank Keep doing good job Eva miss

I'm British! Who do you know who drinks sherry??? don't think I know a single sherry drinking person out of every single English person I know! We love wine at all occasions, men drink beer, women drink wine. We also love Gin, which we often have with tonic, called a G & T. We love it especially as its another time of day we get "T" as opposed to a cup of tea.

Very good explanation

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