Cultures & Groups

Gay vs Impotent

Gay vs Impotent
Gay is a term commonly used to refer to homosexuals. Whereas, impotent is a term used for the people who are unable to reproduce and have satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Homosexual vs Heterosexual

Homosexual vs Heterosexual
The term 'homosexual' is used for people with attraction for same sex and sexual behavior for same gender. Heterosexuals are people who get attracted to the people of opposite sex.

Culture vs Society

Culture vs Society
Culture reflects the characteristics that describe a society at a particular time; and the culture is mostly associated with the art forms. On the other hand, society is a long-standing group of people sharing...

Gay vs Straight

Gay vs Straight
Gay is a term given to the people who believe in homosexuality. Whereas, straight is a slang term used for heterosexuals.

Homosexual vs Bisexual

Homosexual vs Bisexual
The term 'homosexual' was first used by Victorian scientists who regarded same-sex attraction and sexual behavior as symptoms of mental disorders or moral deficiency. Bisexual is a term used for the...


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