
Pledge vs Hypothecation vs Mortgage

Pledge vs Hypothecation vs Mortgage
Pledge denotes that the person who takes the loan must provide the bank with something that is worth the same amount as the money he/she are taking from the bank. Hypothecation is the practice where the...

Mixture vs Compound

Mixture vs Compound
Mixture and compound are two different types of matter. Individual substances are joined chemically in a compound. On the other hand, the individual substances comprising a mixture are not joined chemically...

Ferrous vs Non-Ferrous Metal

Ferrous vs Non-Ferrous Metal
Ferrous and non-ferrous metals are two different types of metals. This categorization is based on the iron content. In case the metal contains iron, it is known as a ferrous metal, otherwise as non-ferrous...

Alloy vs Ore

Alloy vs Ore
An alloy is a metallic substance made by combination of metal with other types of elements. It is generally done in order to enhance properties like strength, ductility, corrosion resistance, etc. An ore is a...

Leasehold vs Freehold

Leasehold vs Freehold
Freehold refers the type of ownership of a property which is retained for indefinite period of time. The owner owns the land as well as the building in this case. On the other hand, leasehold refers to the...

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