Difference between Fine Arts and Performing Arts

Key Difference: Art can be defined as a wide range of human activities and the products of those activities. While there are various different categories of art, two of the popularly known categories are the fine arts and the performing arts. Fine arts are a type of art that have been created to be visually and aesthetic appealing. Performing Arts, on the other hand, are the arts that are performed, i.e. those that require skills like acting, singing or dancing.

Art can be defined as a wide range of human activities and the products of those activities. Anything that is appealing and/or thought provoking can be classified as art. While there are various different categories of art, two of the popularly known categories are the fine arts and the performing arts. As types of arts, they are of course similar in context; however they incorporate completely different aspects of art.

The main difference between fine arts and performing arts is the fact that fine arts are mainly associated with visual arts. Fine arts are a type of art that have been created to be visually and aesthetic appealing. Performing Arts, on the other hand, are the arts that are performed, i.e. those that require skills like acting, singing or dancing.

Originally fine arts were mainly considered to incorporate painting, sculpture, architecture, music and poetry. However, this definition of fine arts was considered to be very limiting, and hence has since expanded. In addition to the previous aspects, now fine arts also incorporate film, photography, conceptual art, and printmaking.

 While, performing arts mainly relate to ‘arts forms in which artists use their body or voice to convey artistic expression’ such as dance, music, opera, theatre and musical theatre. It also incorporates art forms such as magic and/or illusion, mime, spoken word, puppetry circus arts, recitation and public speaking. Actors, comedians, dancers, magicians, musicians, and singers, are usually the ones that associated with the field of performing arts. Together, they are termed as ‘performers’.

However, today fine arts do also overlap with performance arts, where a visual art piece or an art installation may incorporate aspects of drama and dance. For example, using an actor sit in a bubble in order to illustrate the isolation felt by people today.

Comparison between Fine Arts and Performing Arts:


Fine Arts

Performing Arts

Definition as per Dictionary.com

A visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness, specifically, painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics, and architecture.

Arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing.


Painting, sculpture, architecture, music and poetry, film, photography, conceptual art, and printmaking, with minor arts including drama and dance.

Dance, music, opera, theatre and musical theatre, and minor or secondary forms like magic and/or illusion, mime, spoken word, puppetry circus arts, recitation and public speaking.

People in the field

Are termed as artists.

Are termed as performers.

Image Courtesy: dorchester.schoolfusion.us, kln.ac.lk

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