Difference between Punjabi and Sikh

Key Difference: Punjabi refers to the language spoken by inhabitants of the Punjab region, as well as the inhabitants of the region. Punjabi also refers to the ethnic food of the region, the culture and the folk practices of the region. Sikh is the one who follows Sikhism. In Punjab, the Sikhism is a religion which was originated in the 15 century.

Punjabi is a sub-culture of India, whereas Sikh are the people who follow Sikhism. They often follow the same God, who is Guru Nanak, the first ‘Guru’, but their belief and religion can be different. Let’s understand both the people in the following context.

Punjabi refers to the language spoken by inhabitants of the Punjab region, as well as the inhabitants of the region. Punjabi also refers to the ethnic food of the region, the culture and the folk practices of the region. In the word 'Punjab', the word ‘Pan’ means five and ‘jab’ means water.


The region of Punjab lies in northwest India. At the time that India gained independence, a number of its regions were distributed between India and Pakistan; Punjab was one such region. Hence, the region of Punjab is now a state in northern India, as well as a state in East Pakistan. The name Punjab was originally written as ‘Pan Jab’ literally meaning ‘five rivers.’ This refers to the fact that the Punjab region is an inland delta consisting of five converging rivers that is Indus, Ravi, Beas, Sutlej and Ghaggar. There are different Punjabi people who follow this language; they are Punjabi Christian, Punjabi Hindus, Punjabi Muslims, etc. Punjabi is the most spoken language in Pakistan and 10th most spoken language in the world.

Sikhs are the one who follow Sikhism. Sikh, on the other hand, is not necessarily has to be a Punjabi.  They do not particularly hail from Punjab, who also lived in other places in India. For example, South Indian Sikhs, hailing from Deccan area are often called Dakhni Sikhs. In Nanded (Maharashtra), India, there are many Maharashtrians who follow Sikhism. They wear a turban and follow Sikhism, but speak in Marathi.

The population of Sikh in India is about 20 million of total population of the country and is ranked as the world’s fifth largest religion. Sikhism is open to all through the teachings of its 10 Gurus enshrined in the Sikh Holy Book, Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The foremost things of the Sikh religion are 5Ks that is Kesh, Kirpan, Kara, Kachha and Kanga. These five things are very important in Sikhs life. They cannot cut their hair for lifelong, and it has to be followed by both men and women.

Comparison between Punjabi and Sikh:





The Punjabi language, written in the Gurmukhi script, is the official language of the state. Punjabi is the 10th most spoken language in the world and 4th most spoken language in Asia.

The Sikhs language, written in the Gurmukhi script, is the language usually spoken by Sikhs.


All Punjabis are not Sikh.

Usually, all Sikhs are Punjabis.


They go to their temples as well as Gurudwaras.

Sikhs pray in Gurudwaras only.

Meaning of word

Punjab – ‘Pan’ means five and ‘jab’ means water.

Sikh means disciple or student.


Punjabi is an ethnic group originated from Punjab as an Indo-Aryan of North India.

Sikhs are a religious group who follow the religion of Sikhism.


They are identified with their primary linguistic and cultural nature with the Punjabi language.

Sikhs have to follow the 5Ks:

  • Kesh
  • Kirpan
  • Kara
  • Kachha
  • Kanga

Music and instruments

Sufi music, Qawali and bhangra music are the most important genres of Punjab.

Sikhs have developed their own instruments: Rabab, Dilruba, Taus, Jori and the Sarinda.


There is no compulsion for Punjabis to wear Turban as they can be Hindu Punjabi, Christian Punjabi, Muslim Punjabi, etc.

Sikhs have to compulsorily wear a turban.

Image Courtesy: lovelypunjab.com, a1lucknowflowers.com

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