Difference between Trust and Faith

Key Difference: Trust and believe have deeper meanings when it comes to using it in relationships. Trust would actually mean that a person places complete confidence and reliance in another person. Faith is more commonly considered as a spiritual concept. It is considered as an allegiance, duty or loyalty to one person or being.

Trust and faith are similar concepts that are often confused because of their similar usage. However, many believe that these two words are different from each other and are also used in different contexts. While a lot of people believe that these two words usually mean the same thing. Faith is a more commonly used in a spiritual context while trust is an important concept in relationships. These two concepts go hand in hand and often refer to believing in something.

Trust has a deeper meaning when it comes to using it in relationships. Trust would actually mean that a person places complete confidence and in another person. The person believes that the person he/she is trusting will not harm them in any way and will always look out for them. For example: a person that allows a friend to borrow his car, he has faith that the person would not harm his car and would return in the same condition that he/she borrowed. Another example includes borrowing money. If a person lend his friend money, he ‘trusts’ that the friend would return the money in due time. Trust is a permanent concept, where a person that is trusted is usually trusted for life, until that person breaks that trust. If either party breaks the trust, it takes a long time to build it back. The term ‘trust’ is derived from Old Norse word ‘traust’ meaning “trust, protection, firmness”.

Dictionary.com defines ‘trust’ as:

  • Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
  • Confident expectation of something; hope.
  • Confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goods received; credit: to sell merchandise on trust.
  • A person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust.
  • The condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.

Faith is more commonly considered as a spiritual concept. It is considered as an allegiance, duty or loyalty to one person or being. It can also refer to believing in something or something, even if no proof exists. For example: I have complete faith in God. This statement suggests that the person believes in God and is a loyal in serving the great being. It can also be referred to describe devotion in a person or a being. For example: I have faith in my boyfriend. This statement states that she is loyal to her boyfriend. Faith has a more positive outlook so that when an individual is placing faith in a person or a being, they are looking for the silver lining or are positive about something. Faith is mostly complete belief, devotion or loyalty. It is usually when a person blindly believes a person or being.

Dictionary.com defines ‘faith’ as:

  • Confidence or trust in a person or thing
  • Belief that is not based on proof
  • Belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion
  • A system of religious belief

Image Courtesy: osneyhr.com, abetterdream.com

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It is very important to faith someone

Wow what a touching post.. it touches my heart. Thanks for the light.

Thank you, very clear and easily understood.

Thank you for such a good post. I have a much better understanding of each concept now.

Faith increases as one gets to know that entity well. So, as Christians faith increase as we get to know Christ more through personal encounter and reading of the scriptures.

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