ISO, short for International Organization for Standardization, is considered as the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards. The ISI, short for Indian Standards Institute, is a... |
An LLC or a limited liability company is a legal form of company that provides limited liability to its owners. INC or Incorporated is the forming of a new business, whose legal entity is separate from its... |
Office vs Company
An office is a physical place that exists and is a room where people come together to work or do some sort of business. A company does not have to be a physical entity. It refers to a business entity that has... |
LLC vs Corporation
LLC (Limited Liability Company) and corporation both are legal entities with different features and characteristics. A corporation refers to a form of business ownership which is authorized by law and is... |
Sales vs Revenue
Sales and Revenue are two terms that every company comes across when dealing with their financials. The term ‘sales’ refers to the actually selling of the products. Hence, ‘sales’ is the income that the... |