Embassies & Consulates

F1 vs J1 Visa

F1 vs J1 Visa
F1 visas are most commonly for students that wish to acquire a degree from the US and wish to stay for employment in the country following their degree. J1 visas are more for people who wish to attend the US...

Passport Book vs Passport Card

Passport Book vs Passport Card
The passport book allows the holder to travel worldwide (with proper visa and documentation), while the passport card only allows the holder to travel to and fro neighboring countries such as Canada, Mexico,...

Ambassador vs High Commissioner

Ambassador vs High Commissioner
Ambassadors and High Commissioners are both diplomats, who are responsible for representing their home country in a foreign country. The term ‘High Commissioner” refers to an Ambassador in a Commonwealth...

Ambassador vs Diplomat

Ambassador vs Diplomat
The term diplomat is currently used to define any person that is appointed to a position that requires them to conduct diplomacy with another sovereign country or international organization. An ambassador is...

Ambassador vs Envoy

Ambassador vs Envoy
Ambassador vs Envoy. An ambassador is the highest ranking diplomat that is sent to another sovereign state in order to represent their country. An envoy is a diplomatic representative and not considered as a...


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