Law Enforcement & Police

Counterintelligence Investigation vs Criminal Investigation

Counterintelligence Investigation vs Criminal Investigation
Counterintelligence investigations work on a national and international level to find spies and prevent espionage against the country. Criminal investigations work on a smaller and national level to solve a...

Mandatory vs Indispensable

Mandatory vs Indispensable
Mandatory means something that has been handed down in a mandate or has been commanded. Indispensable means something that is important and cannot be ignored or is necessary. Mandatory is backed by laws or...

Decriminalization vs Legalization

Decriminalization vs Legalization
Decriminalization is the process of not considering something a crime anymore. Decriminalizing something may involve reducing the criminal penalties rather than removing them completely. Legalization, on the...

Citizen vs Civilian

Citizen vs Civilian
The term citizen denotes a person who is generally accepted as a resident or subject of a country by its government. The term civilian, on the other hand, denotes any person who is not part of the military or...

Murder vs Assassination

Murder vs Assassination
Murder is the killing of one human being by another. It is usually done for personal reason such as love, anger, or greed. An assassination is the murder of an important person which is conducted for political...


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