Difference between Coffee and Tea
Key Difference: Tea is derived from the Camellia sinensis, while coffee is derived from Coffea plant. These both differ in process, flavor and health benefits.
include("ad4th.php"); ?>Tea and coffee are the two most common drinks in the world that are available almost everywhere in various different forms. Both these drinks can be consumed at any time of the day and can be hot or cold. These drinks are different from the plant they are derived from, the taste, the process by which they are made and benefits they offer.
Tea is a very popular drink in today’s culture in almost every country; they can be served hot or cold, with flavors, milk, lime, lemon, masala, etc. All the different types of tea are derived from one common plant, the Camellia Sinesis. There are four distinct variations of tea; oolong, green, white, and black. The main difference between all the types is the oxidation level of each tea. Though teas are most commonly associated with Asian countries and UK, teas are becoming more popular all over the world. This is due to the benefits that the tea has to offer. All of the different varieties of teas are derived from the same plant, though they difference occurs because of the time they were harvested. Such the black tea is produced from the buds and infant leaves of the plant. The different teas also differ in terms of oxidization level.
In order to make tea, the leaves or the raw tea is added to a diffuser, tea pot or tea cup, and then hot water is added to the leaves. The leaves are allowed to infuse in water for two to five minutes, after which they are strained out. Milk and sugar can be added depending on the person. Depending on the type of tea (black, green, etc), these offer a variety of benefits. The various different teas offers benefits such as improving mental alertness, thinking, help treat stomach disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, bone loss (osteoporosis), solid tumor cancers and helps keep skin healthy.
Coffee is also a popular drink, mostly drunk in the United States, but it is now gaining popularity all over the world. There are various different types of tea such as Latte, Cappuccino, espresso, Americano, macchiato, decaf, etc. They are also available in various different flavors like vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, mocha, etc. Coffee is also exported from many parts of the world, believing that some South American countries provide the best coffee. These coffees are also expensive, depending on their rarity and taste. In order to produce coffee, coffee berries are handpicked and harvested when they are considered to be perfectly ripe. These are then put through either a dry process method, or wet process method, which incorporates fermentation. They are then sorted and the flesh of the berries is removed. The seeds are then washed, dried and roasted before packaging. They can also be grinded to powder form for instant coffee.
There are various different ways to make coffee, including a French press which puts coffee beans into a press machine and infuses the flavor into the hot water. Coffee can also be added to a hot cup of water for instant consumption or a machine can be used to create the various different types of coffee. Coffee offers benefits such as reducing risk of heart diseases, used to treat insomnia, reduces risk of Alzheimers, 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and dementia. It can also prevents certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes.
Coffee |
Tea |
Derived from |
Coffea plant |
Camellia sinensis |
Place of origin |
Ethiopia |
Yunnan province, China, the northern region of Myanmar and the state of Assam in India |
Time of origin |
9th century AD |
10th century BC |
Types |
Latte, Cappuccino, espresso, Americano, macchiato, decaf etc. |
Black tea (Called red tea in China), Green tea, Oolong tea, Premium or delicate tea and Pu-erh tea. |
Flavors |
Black, milk, vanilla, caramel, almond, hazelnut, cocoa, chocolate, mocca, honey, etc. |
Milk, lime, lemon, masala, Earl Grey, Darjeeling Tea, Jasmin, cardamom, honey, etc. |
Caffeine |
Higher level of caffeine compared to tea. |
Has a lower level of caffeine compared to coffee. |
Binomial Name |
Coffea Arabica, Coffea Benghalensis, Coffea Canephora, Coffea Congensis, Coffea Dewevrei, Coffea Excelsa, Coffea Gallienii, Coffea Bonnieri, Coffea Mogeneti, Coffea Liberica, Coffea Stenophylla |
Camellia Sinensis |
Cultural connotation |
Fast Paced |
Genteel |
Benefits |
Can reduce risk of heart diseases, can be used to treat insomnia, reduces risk of Alzheimers, 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and dementia. Prevents certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes. |
Improves mental alertness, thinking, help treat stomach disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, bone loss (osteoporosis), solid tumor cancers and helps keep skin healthy. Depending on the type of tea (black, green, etc), these offer a variety of benefits. |
Risks |
Caffeine dependency, cancer, gastrointestinal problems, psychological effects and sleep changes, cholesterol, blood pressure, effects on pregnancy, iron deficiency anemia, coronary artery disease, interactions with medications, acne and glaucoma. |
Fluoride (reduces calcium intake in body), aluminum, caffeine, oxalates, hot drinking temperature (can cause esophageal cancer), and risks of prostate cancer. |
Process |
Coffee berries are hand-picked and then separated, after which the seeds are removed from the berries and then fermented and washed and dried. After this the coffee beans are then roasted and packaged. They can also be grinded to powder form for instant coffee. |
Different tea leaves are processed differently. All the different teas are formed from the same plant, which has been harvested at different times. Most leaves go through the process of harvesting drying, fermenting and oxidization. |
Image Courtesy: blog.fairwaymarket.com, bubblews.com
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