Difference between Sunflower Oil and Rice Bran Oil

Key difference: Both, Sunflower and Rice Bran Oil are edible vegetable oils; which are rich in their respective nutritive contents. Naturally, sunflower oil is obtained from the sunflower seeds; and rice bran oil is obtained by extracting the oil from germs and inner husks of rice (which is known as rice bran).  

Sunflower oil is considered to be the most preferred oil; while Rice Bran Oil is considered to be one among the world’s healthiest oils. Both are natural vegetable oils, which are used for cooking and other purposes; these oils are also used in the supplementary uses in the cosmetic and medicinal factories. They differ in their physical contents; i.e. in the tastes, flavor, color etc. they are widely used in household cooking. These oils are worldwide famous for their properties and tastes.

Sunflower oil is regarded to be the best seller and most used oils in the world. The oil has a large collection of benefits; hence is most favorable in the cooking techniques. Sunflower oil is non-volatile in nature; and hence is preferred to be a favorite in frying, deep frying and etc. The oil also contains a considerable amount of vitamin E, sterols, squalene, and other aliphatic hydrocarbons, terpene and methyl ketones (chiefly methyl nonyl ketone). The oil has many benefits over the cardiovascular problems, along with this it is also used as an emollient in the cosmetic industries. Its nutritious composition makes it one of the healthiest oils for consumption as well as application on skin and hair. There are basically two types of sunflower seeds- confection sunflower seeds and non-oil sunflower seeds; which are used in accordance to their usages.

Sunflower oil is composed of following constituents:

  • Palmitic acid (saturated): 4–9%
  • Stearic acid (saturated): 1–7%
  • Oleic acid (monounsaturated omega-9): 14–40%
  • Linoleic acid (polyunsaturated omega-6): 48–74%

Rice bran oil is highly stable oil, of nut-flavored. This oil is obtained from the rice husks (rice bran) and germs. Rice bran oil is mainly used for high temperature cooking, as it has a notably high smoke point. It is commonly used in the Asian countries, specifically in the eastern regions and countries. Rice bran oil is a staple in traditional East Asian cuisine. Other than cooking, the oil is also used as a substitute for carnauba wax in the cosmetics, confectionery, shoe creams and polishing compounds. The oil contains a remarkable amount of nutritive constituents; which contains vitamins and antioxidants; also it is regarded to be of Trans free fat nature, hence is more preferred by health conscious individuals.

Rice bran oil contains following amount of fatty acids:

  • Myristic acid: 0.6%
  • Palmitic acid: 21.5%
  • Stearic acid: 2.9%
  • Oleic acid: 38.4%
  • Linoleic acid: 34.4%
  • α-Linolenic acid: 2.2%

Both, sunflower and rice bran oil differ in their properties; broadly classifying sunflower oil is a triglyceride; whereas rice bran oil is a Trans free fat oil. Sunflower oil is used as a emollient in the cosmetic industry; whereas rice bran oil is used as a substitute of carnauba wax in wax and shoe factories. The rice bran oil is more preferred by the health conscious people; whereas the ones who have heart problems, opt for sunflower oil. Rice Bran Oil is extremely light, versatile and delicious, and sunflower oil is amber in color as well as pale yellow in color with a mild and pleasant taste.

Essentially, both the oils have healthy and nutrition rich components. The most desirable features of both the oils is that sunflower oil is used for skin treatments, whereas the chemical obtained rice bran oil which is known as f γ-oryzanol is consumed by women during their menopause problems.  So, both the oils have their respective medicinal and effective uses in day to day life.

Comparison between Sunflower Oil and Rice Bran Oil:


Sunflower Oil

Rice Bran Oil

Obtained from

crushed Sunflower seeds

rice husks (rice bran) and germs


Sunflower oil is a monounsaturated (MUFA)/polyunsaturated (PUFA) mixture of mostly oleic acid (omega-9)-linoleic acid (omega-6) group of oils.

Rice bran oil has double the saturated fat content, higher polyunsaturated fat content and a lower percentage of monounsaturated fat.

Rich in

vitamins E and K


Also used in


Carnauba Wax

Health benefits

  • Cardiovascular Benefits
  • Prevents Arthritis
  • Prevention of Asthma and Colon Cancer
  • Lowers Cholesterol
  • Prevention of Other Cancers
  • Fights Free Radicals
  • Reduction of Cardiac Problems
  • Healthy Nervous System
  • Prevention of Infant Infection
  • Maintenance of Healthy Immune System
  • Repairs the Body
  • Better Skin
  • Enhances the immune system
  • Helps prevent cancer
  • Nervous system and endocrine health
  • Menopause
  • Antioxidant stability

They are

Most preferred oil

The most healthiest oil

Image Courtesy: actcommerce.com, medindia.net

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