Standards & Testing
SAT vs SAT Subject Tests
The key difference between the two tests is that SAT Reasoning Test is based on three subjects that are mathematics, critical reading and writing section, whereas the SAT Subject Tests focuses only on one... |
CAT (Common Admission Test), MAT (Management Aptitude Test) and GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) are general Management tests, which are conducted on their due schedules every year for the management... |
GRE and GMAT are both graduate based examinations. The main difference between the two exams is GRE is given to get admission in most graduate schools, whereas GMAT is given to get admission in most business... |
ICSE Syllabus vs ISC Syllabus
I.C.S.E. stands for Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. It is an examination that is conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations for Grade X. On the other hand, I.S.C. stands... |
Observational Studies vs Clinical Trials
Observational studies require the researcher to only observe the patients from far away and cannot interfere with the way they act. If a researcher interferes it could result in the data being manipulated. In... |