Difference between Makeup and Foundation

Key Difference: Make up is a slang and popularly used term for cosmetics but can also refer to different kinds of cosmetics as well as prosthetic makeup, which is the process of sculpting, molding and casting prosthetic to look like real skin. Foundation is a skin colored cosmetic that is applied to the face to create a uniform look. It is usually used to cover flaws or to change the natural skin tone.

Make up and foundation are two words that are commonly heard together when referring to cosmetics and can cause confusion for many people. This is commonly because foundation is a type of makeup. Foundation is a cosmetic that is applied to lighten and even the skin tone.

Make up is a slang and popularly used term for cosmetics but can also refer to different kinds of cosmetics as well as prosthetic makeup, which is the process of sculpting, molding and casting prosthetic to look like real skin. Makeup or cosmetics are products that are used to enhance the appearance of the body. These are generally mixture of chemical compounds that are derived from natural resources. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who is responsible for regulating cosmetics in the market, make up is defined as, “intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or functions.”

The term ‘cosmetics’ is derived from the Greek ‘kosmetikē tekhnē’, meaning “technique of dress and ornament” from ‘kosmētikos’ meaning "skilled in ordering or arranging". Cosmetics can be dated back to Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece which included using dye from animals and fruits as make up. Make up has also received a lot of criticism in culture, with many promoting it as a way to beautify people and some demoting it stating it takes away from natural beauty and glorifies ‘improper behavior’. There are a variety of make up including for eyes, nose, skin, lips, etc. The most common types of cosmetics are eyeliner, eye shadow, lip gloss or lipstick, mascara, foundation, nail polish, blush (rouge) and face powder. Many people have become so skilled with make up that they can do a variety of different styles and can even make themselves look like someone else.

Foundation is a skin colored cosmetic that is applied to the face to create a uniform look. It is usually used to cover flaws or to change the natural skin tone. Though originally foundation was used to lighten skin tone, new foundations in different colors have been released to just provide an even skin tone and hide blemishes and dark spots. Foundation is now also being popularly used by men to create an even skin tone and hide flaws. It is best to remember that foundation should also be applied on the neck along with the face to create a more natural look.

Foundation is not a new phenomenon and has been in existence since ancient Egypt and Rome. This was then known as face painting. Greek women applied foundation that was made from white lead powder and chalk that was aimed at lightening their skin tone as pale complexion were considered as a fashion statement at that time. Led power was dangerous and continuous use often resulted in disfiguration and lead poisoning. It was not only limited to women, even men used this paste to lighten their complexion. The cream was made out of animal fat, starch and tin oxide. These days foundations are made with much safer materials but are still considered as a popular make up.

Image Courtesy: picsmesh.com, makeupandbeauty.com

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