Careers & Employment

Work vs Job vs Business

Work vs Job vs Business
Work is something that people do in exchange for money, such as a salary. A job is often short-term and only done as a person requires money to live. One often has a job in some business. Business, enterprise...

Job vs Profession

Job vs Profession
Jobs are activities that are performed in exchange of a monetary value. A profession, on the other hand, is a vocation that is based on specialized educational training.


CTC stands for Cost to Company. It basically encapsulates the salary package of an employee. However, it is much more than the traditional salary. The CTC is the total amount of expense an employer is spending...

CTC vs Take Home Salary

CTC vs Take Home Salary
CTC stands for Cost to Company. The CTC is the total amount of expense an employer is spending for an employee in a year. The CTC includes the take-home salary (net salary) plus any and all deductions, as well...

Salary vs Emoluments

Salary vs Emoluments
Emoluments are essentially the benefit that one gets from working and being employed. It is the profit from employment. A salary is the payment, remuneration or emolument that one receives in return for work...


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