Law & Ethics

Murder vs Assassination

Murder vs Assassination
Murder is the killing of one human being by another. It is usually done for personal reason such as love, anger, or greed. An assassination is the murder of an important person which is conducted for political...

Detention vs Arrest

Detention vs Arrest
Detention is when the police or any authority holds someone under suspicion but have not charged them with a crime. Arrest is when the police charges someone with a crime and then takes them into custody.

Extortion vs Blackmail

Extortion vs Blackmail
Extortion refers to intimidating or threatening the person with violence in exchange for monetary compensation, blackmail, on the other hand, refers to threatening the person with social, emotional, or...

DMCA Notice

DMCA Notice
A DMCA Notice is a notice that a person or company can send to another who has been using their copyrighted content without their permission. The notice tells the infringer to take the copyrighted content down...

EULA vs Terms of Use

EULA vs Terms of Use
EULA, which stands for end-user license agreement, is a type of license agreement that details how a product or service can and can’t be used. Terms of Use are a set of rules and regulations that the user must...


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