
Percentile vs Percentage

Percentile vs Percentage
The two terms Percentile and Percentage are actually interrelated. A percentage is a calculation that depicts a ratio of something out of a 100. A percentile is a measure that indicates the value below which a...

Section vs Cross Section

Section vs Cross Section
The primary difference between a Section and a Cross Section is that a section refers to the ‘cutting of a solid by or along a plane’, whereas a cross section refers to the surface or the shape that is exposed...

Cardinal vs Ordinal vs Nominal Numbers

Cardinal vs Ordinal vs Nominal Numbers
Cardinal is used to count or indicate how many. Ordinal numbers are words that represent rank and order in a set. Nominal numbers are basically number that are used to identify something.

Different Types of Shapes

Different Types of Shapes
Geometrical shapes cover all basic shapes like lines, closed shapes and simple curves. Commonly shapes are divided into three categories – 1, 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.

Kilometers vs Miles

Kilometers vs Miles
Kilometer and mile are two different units of measurement of distances. One kilometer is equivalent to 0.621 miles.


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