
1AC vs 2AC vs 3AC in Indian Railway

1AC vs 2AC vs 3AC in Indian Railway
A train in the Indian Railway system is made up of different coaches, which are roughly divided as air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned. The air-conditioned classes are First Class AC (1AC), AC Two Tier or...

Automotive vs Locomotive

Automotive vs Locomotive
A locomotive is a self propelled vehicle that is used for pushing or pulling freight or passenger cars on railroad tracks. There are various types of locomotives like steam, electric and locomotive. On the...

Metro vs Local Train

Metro vs Local Train
A local train is defined as an effective mode of transportation for traveling distances within the city and connecting its suburbs. It runs on laid tracks of rails that can be shared by freight trains or other...

Train vs Metro

Train vs  Metro
A train is defined as an effective mode of transportation for travelling long distances and runs on laid tracks of rails; a train usually runs outside city limits whereas metro is a train that is specifically...

Subway vs Underpass

Subway vs Underpass
A subway generally refers to an underground railway system devised for faster, smoother and quieter rides. Underpass is a passage that passes under another road or railway line. Sometimes both the terms are...


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