Difference between Christians and Catholics

Key difference: Christianity is a monotheistic religion that originated in Jerusalem in 33 A.D. Christians follow the teachings of the Old Testament and the New Testament, which consists of the teachings of Jesus. The three main sects of Christianity are the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and Protestantism, which is further separated into various churches.

Christianity is a monotheistic religion that originated in Jerusalem in 33 A.D. Christians follow the teachings of the Old Testament and the New Testament, which consists of the teachings of Jesus. The Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God and the savior of humanity and that he was born through a virgin birth. They believe that Jesus is the Messiah that is prophesied in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and that he suffered, died, was buried, and was resurrected from the dead in order to grant eternal life to those who believe in him and trust him for the remission of their sins. A person can be admitted to the church through baptism.

The religion’s main beliefs are based on following the Ten Commandments, which includes instructions to worship only God and to keep the Sabbath, and prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, and adultery. Christians believe in the Holy Trinity and the One God. Trinity is the belief that one God is comprised of three eternal persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The three eternal persons represent the three aspects of the one true God.

Christianity originally began as a sect of Judaism. Hence, many of Christianity’s beliefs and traditions are rooted in Judaism. The main reason that Christianity separated from Judaism was the fact that Judaism did not believe that Christ was a Messiah or a Son of God. However, this belief is the corner stone of Christianity.

Eventually, overtime Christianity further separated into sects. The three main sects of Christianity are the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and Protestantism, which is further separated into various churches. In the 11th century, Christianity divided into two: the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Eventually, during the Reformation of the 16th century, Protestantism split off from the Roman Catholic Church.

The main reason the Roman Catholic Church separated was because it believed that Jesus Christ handed the keys of heaven to St. Peter. Hence, St. Peter was the one chosen to lead the Disciples of Christ. St. Peter is considered to be the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Catholicism believes that the Pope is the leader of Christians and that he represents the word of God, in lieu of Jesus, until Jesus returns to Earth.

A general comparison between Christianity and Catholicism:




Place of Birth


Holy Roman Empire

Time of origin

33 A.D.

4th century AD

Place of Worship

Church, Cathedral     

Church, Chapel, Cathedral


Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ


Christians follow the teachings of the Old Testament and the New Testament, which consists the teaching of Jesus. Believes in the trinity, Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Believes Jesus Christ is the son of God.

The Catholic Church is the one true church. Particular about understanding and commitment to tradition, the sacraments, the mediation between God, communion, and the See of Rome (Vatican).

Jesus Christ

Believed to the son of God and the Messiah. Born through virgin birth. Sacrificed for the sins of humanity.

Jesus is the reincarnation of God, the Messiah born through virgin birth. Sacrificed for the sins of humanity. Crucified and resurrected after three days.

Holy Text

Holy Bible in two parts; the Old Testament and the New Testament

Holy Bible in two parts; the New Testament and the Old Testament including the Apocrypha


Cross, saints, pictures, beads

Cross, saints, pictures, beads


Only clergies are expected to dress in robes (Catholic & Orthodox)

Only clergies are expected to dress in robes

Holy days/Official Holidays:

Sunday (The Lord's Day), Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost

Sunday (The Lord's Day), Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost

Original Language

Greek, Latin, Aramaic



Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox.

Catholic Church is made up of 23 autonomous particular churches.


Salvation or Damnation after death. No reincarnation

Salvation or Damnation after death. No reincarnation.


God is omnipotent; the trinity of God- the father, the son and the holy spirit; There is only one God and that he has revealed himself as the Trinity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

God is omnipotent; the trinity of God- the father, the son and the holy spirit; There is only one God and that he has revealed himself as the Trinity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Salvation is a gift from the Lord and comes by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ only.

Salvation is a gift from the Lord and comes by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ only.


The world's largest religion. Around 2.2 billion adherents, split into 3 main branches of Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox.

1.1–1.3 billion, Biggest sect within Christianity.

Image Courtesy: telegraph.co.uk, fanpop.com

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... I wonder when folks will stop rock'n that flaxen hair'd white version of Jesus as opposed to depicting him as he probably looked. Hypocrites.

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