Difference between B.E. and B.C.A.

Key Difference: B.E. stands for Bachelor of Engineering. It is an undergraduate degree conferred after completion of a three to four year program of an engineering academic course. On the other hand, B.C.A. stands for Bachelor of Computer Applications. It is an undergraduate degree conferred after completion of a three to four year program of studies, focusing on applied computer principles and programming.

B.E. is a course that is opted by one who aspires to be an engineer. Today, various branches are available in the following fields- Aeronautical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, etc. and many more.

B.C.A. is meant for someone who wants to make a career in software applications. The subjects are focused on the application part related to the computers. Most of the B.C.A. degree holders opt for a Master’s degree in the same field in order to strengthen their qualifications.

Some of the general characteristics are listed below in the table. However, it is important to note that some characteristics may differ from country to country.




Full form

Bachelor of Technology

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Course Coverage

Theoretical knowledge that is applied to develop innovative equipments and useful technical gadgets in Science and Technology.

Application Development with more emphasis on latest programming language and tools to develop computer applications.

Preferred Master Degree

M.E. or M. Tech.



Usually, the first year syllabus contains a brief from almost all the branches of engineering. The branch specific subjects are taught from third semester onwards, and thus depend on the branch opted.

Database management systems, operating systems, software engineering, computer architecture, web technology and languages such as C, C++, HTML, etc.

Carrier options

Depends upon the specific branch studied in the course.

For example, somebody with a Civil branch degree may get to work in a construction company.

Most often in an IT company. Can also apply for some IT related posts in non-IT companies.

Focus area

Studies generally include information on digital electronics, Microprocessor and its programming, apart from software languages.

Studies generally involve software languages and  comparatively less of the hardware knowledge.


Generally, students from science background are eligible for the program.

Generally, students that had studied Mathematics and English as core subjects can apply for this course.

Image Courtesy: educations.com, srikrishnagroupofinstitution.edu.in

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