Difference between Mehndi and Temporary Tattoo

Key Difference: Temporary tattoo is a non-permanent image that is painted on the skin to resemble a real tattoo. Mehndi is a temporary dye that is derived from the henna tree.

Mehndi and temporary tattoo are not so different but they are also not exactly the same. Mehndi is actually a type of temporary tattoo. Temporary tattoo is a non-permanent image on the skin that resembles a real tattoo. Mehndi is a dye that is used to place on the skin to create a non-permanent image on the skin.

Mehndi is a term that is used to describe henna in Hindi or Urdu. It originates from the Sanskrit word ‘mendhikā. Henna is a temporary dye that is derived from the henna tree. It is a flowering plant and is the sole species in the genus Lawsonia in the family Lythraceae. The term ‘henna’ or ‘hina’ originates from the Arabic word ‘hinna’. The term is also used to refer to a dye that is derived from the plant for temporary tattooing purposes. In addition to temporary tattooing, it is also used to dye skin, hair, nails, leather and wool. Depending on the strength of the dye and the longer it is left on, the color can range from orange red to dark brown. Henna has been used since the Bronze Age to a dye a variety of things. It was originally being used as a medicinal herb. Mehndi is also a custom that takes place during an Indian Marriage. It usually takes place a day or two before marriage and the bride’s hand is painted with henna and a small amount of turmeric powder. Mehndi is also applied in a variety of functions and festivals such as Eid, Diwali, etc.

Temporary tattoo is a non-permanent image that is painted on the skin to resemble a real tattoo. These tattoos can be drawn on using ink, paint, henna or any other kind of ink that does not stay for a long period of time. The tattoo can be drawn, painted, brushed or airbrushed as a form of body art. In addition to the image being drawn directly on the skin, tattoos can also be transferred from a film of thin plastic directly to the skin. The modern temporary tattoos were made using ink and glue to allow the image to stay for at least a small amount of time. Temporary tattoos were made popular as inserts in bubble gum, which provided small cartoon images with bad quality and allowed kids to place the design on their bodies. This tattoo could be easily washed or rubbed off.

In short, henna is a type of temporary tattoo that can easily come off after a limited amount of time.

Image Courtesy: lifestyle.alrazaak.com, mocoloco.com

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