Difference between Upload and Download

Key difference: The transfer of data from one system to another is called as either downloading or uploading, depending on the circumstances. The primary difference between the two terms is based on the direction of the data being transferred.

The term ‘downloading’ is defined as the transferring of files from a server to a smaller peripheral unit. It is the transfer of data from different severs to a computer.

In computer networks, 'to download' means to receive data to a local system or a remote system which initiates the data transfer. Here, the data is retrieved from the Internet to a computer. Also, the downloaded files can be saved temporarily and then deleted after their use, or they can be downloaded on a more permanent basis and be used for a long period of time.

The downloaded files are sometimes automatically stored in a particular location on the computer or a device. They can be or are automatically accessed from that location when needed. In other cases, the user can also choose the location to save the downloaded files, where it can be found easily and quickly.

The term ‘uploading’ is defined as the copying of files from a smaller peripheral system to a larger central system.

In computer networks, 'to upload' means the receiveing of data from a local system to a remote system. Here, the data is retrieved from the computer to the Internet. The most common type of uploading is when a user uploads a digital file to an Internet site. The uploaded files are then stored on the website's servers and can be seen by anyone who has access to Internet.

Also, there are websites which allow the users to upload digital files for storage. This helps the users to store more files or larger files on the internet, because of the limited storage capacity on their computer or any device. Though, the uploading files in storage websites, allows other users or other devices to access through them; the files could be made public for anyone to access, or permission can be granted to access the files to only certain people.  

There is another type of loading which takes place within a closed computer system, such as one within a single office building or one that connects a group of businesses. These types of systems have typical servers to store information that needs to be shared among multiple computers or devices. Digital files can be uploaded from any computer or device that connects to the system, and then can be downloaded or accessed by any other user in the system.

Comparison between Upload and Download:





It is defined as, the copying of files from the smaller peripheral system to a larger central system.

It is defined as, the transferring of files from a server to a smaller peripheral unit.

Data sent

The data is received from remote system to a system.

The data is sent from a system to a remote system.


It is the reverse of download process.

It is the reverse of upload process.


There should be enough space in the server, while uploading the file.

There should be enough space in the computer or disk, while downloading the file.


The files can easily be accessed by other users.

The files can only be accessed by the owner of the local system.


It transfers the data from the client to the server.

It transfers the data from the server to the client.


It depends on the size of the file.

It depends on the size of the file.

Risk of virus

There is no risk of virus when uploading to the server.

There is a risk of virus when downloading from the server.

Image Courtesy: ict.de, integration.business.tomtom.com

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So what goes up doesn't necessarily always have to come down. Upload to your website but if nobody downloads then it doesn't go down... Just up.

I believe on the bottom chart showing the comparisons that the upload and download are reversed.

Hi Eric, yes some points were reversed. Thank you for pointing that out. It has been fixed now.

It helped me in my assignments...its a very good server...thank u....

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