Savings vs Investment
Savings mean keeping aside a part of your income regularly in order to deal with unexpected expenses. Investment means putting your saved money in various products in order to earn returns and grow your wealth. |
Term Deposit vs Fixed Deposit
A fixed deposit, also known as a term deposit, is a financial instrument provided by the banks, which offer a higher rate of interest than a regular savings account. |
Mutual Fund vs ULIP
A mutual fund is an investment plan that pools money from various investors and then allocates that amount into various different companies on the stock market. ULIP, or a Unit Linked Insurance Plan, is a plan... |
Mutual Fund vs ETF
Mutual funds are basically schemes where money from multiple investors is collected and invested in securities, which could be debt as well as equity. An ETF is more similar to stock trading, but relies on... |
Mutual Fund vs Bond
Mutual funds are basically investment schemes run by companies or banks, where in they consolidate a large amount of fund and invest that money in shares and the stock market. Bonds are debt instruments,... |