
Liability vs Debt

Liability vs Debt
Debt is every similar to liabilities. Both refer to obligations in which money needs to be paid back. In most instances, debt includes all liabilities, especially when calculating debt-to-equity ratio. However...

Assets vs Liabilities in Banking

Assets vs Liabilities in Banking
An asset is anything that can be utilized to make more money. A liability is an obligation on which money has to be paid. In terms of banking, an asset is anything on which one earns an interest, whereas a...

Prepaid vs Postpaid

Prepaid vs Postpaid
The terms prepaid and postpaid are most commonly used to refer to mobile phone or cell phone connections. The term PRE – paid indicates that it must be paid before using, whereas POST – paid indicated...

Different types of ATM Cards

Different types of ATM Cards
ATM is a payment card which is used by the respective customers for carrying their financial purposes. The card is also known as a bank card, client card, key card, or cash card; hence it is applicable in...

Assets vs Liabilities

Assets vs Liabilities
An asset is something which is owned and controlled by an entity. It is capable of bringing some financial gain in the future. On the other hand, a liability is a present obligation which has to be settled in...


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