United Kingdom

American Culture vs British Culture

American Culture vs British Culture
The history of America and Britain is intertwined which is why there are a lot of similarities. However, there are many differences between the two cultures as well, including but not limited to behavior,...

American Accent vs British Accent

American Accent vs British Accent
The American Accent is easier to understand than the British Accent. It is also the most commonly used accent in the world; however, the British Accent is more idolized and considered to be sexy.

England vs New England

England vs New England
England is a country part of the United Kingdom in Europe. New England is a term used to refer to six states in the northeast corner of the United States.

London vs the City of London

London vs the City of London
City of London is a city that has its own laws and regulations and is inside London city. London is the capital city of England.

England vs Britain vs UK

England vs Britain vs UK
England is country under the Great Britain and the United Kingdom. Great Britain comprises Wales, England and Scotland. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland includes England, Wales,...

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