Difference between Fats and Carbohydrates

Key Difference: Both fat and carbohydrates are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fat is a concentrated source of energy. It provides a pillow to help protect our vital organs. Carbohydrates are organic compounds, which are important for humans as they are the source of chemical energy for living organisms, including humans.

 Fats are needed in our diet for several reasons. Fats are broken down in a human body by enzymes called lipases, which are produced in the pancreas. Human bodies also have an adipose tissue, which is known as a fat depot and is a loose connective tissue composed of adipocytes. This tissue is composed of roughly 80% fat and is located beneath the skin, around internal organs such as the bone marrows and breast tissues. The main role of this tissue is to store energy in form of lipids. An excess of this tissue causes obesity in humans. Fat also helps regulate hormone production and it insulates and protects vital organs. The two main types of fats are Saturated and Unsaturated. Almost all foods, butter, margarine and oils, contain a mixture of fats. The food is called high in saturated or unsaturated fats, when one type is often present in higher amounts.

Carbohydrates are an important addition to our diet and are required by the body. Carbohydrates are organic compounds that are made up of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. These compounds are important for humans as they are the source of chemical energy for living organisms, including humans. They are responsible for creating the energy that drives humans or power them. Without carbohydrates, the human body would not be able to function; hence are an important part of the human system. Carbohydrates are grouped into two scientific categories: Complex carbohydrates (good carbohydrates) and Simple carbohydrates (bad carbohydrates). Carbohydrates come in several forms including sugars, starches and fibers. Complex carbohydrates are created by linking together three or more chains of sugar, which results in complex chains and requires time for the body to break it down. Simple carbohydrates are created by linking one or two chains of sugar, making it quite easy to break down and create energy.

Comparison between Fats and Carbohydrates:





Fats are the fatty acid esters of glycerol and are the primary energy depots of animals. The energy depots are used for storing energy that may be required by the body during deprivation of food.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds, which are important for humans as they are the source of chemical energy for living organisms, including humans.

Derived in

12th Century

Mid 19th Century

Origin of the word

Middle English, from Old English fǣtt, past participle of fǣtan to cram; akin to Old High German feizit fat

Formerly the name "carbohydrate" was used in chemistry for any compound with the formula Cm(H2O)n


  • Trans Fat
  • Unsaturated Fat
  • Saturated Fat
  • Total Fat
  • Simple Carbohydrates
  • Complex Carbohydrates
  • Fiber


Fats are essential for body to some extent.

Carbohydrates are also essential for human body.

Image Courtesy: guideglobal.com, agrinioreport.com

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