Difference between Mature and Immature

Key Difference: Maturity and immaturity are both terms that are linked to emotional intelligence. Maturity basically means to think and act like an adult. Immaturity, on the other hand, is when someone thinks and acts like a child. In the most basic terms, a mature person is someone who acts their age, whereas an immature person acts like they are actually younger than they are.

People are often complimented by saying that “You are too mature for your age,” or insulted by saying that “You are acting immaturely for your age.” What does maturity and immaturity actually mean? Why is one good while the other bad?

Maturity and immaturity are both terms that are linked to emotional intelligence. Maturity basically means to think and act like an adult. A mature person is someone who acts with wisdom and has self control. Immaturity, on the other hand, is when someone thinks and acts like a child. They don’t think about responsibilities or consequences, but rather live in the moment.

In the most basic terms, a mature person is someone who acts their age, whereas an immature person acts like they are actually younger than they are. However, the appropriate behavior for someone at a particular age is subjective. A particular behavior at a certain age might be considered mature by some, normal by others, or immature by others.

However, there are some behaviors that most people agree show maturity or immaturity. A mature person will talk about situation and deal with problems on hand like an adult, whereas an immature person may run or try to avoid their problems rather then face them. A mature person is confident and has self-control, whereas an immature person may be more like to be dependent on other for their self worth. An immature person will also be more like to throw temper tantrums when they don’t get their way, much like a child, because they would have limited control over their emotions. Immature people are also more likely to blame others rather then accept responsibility.

Despite all this talk, it is more likely that no person is completely mature or immature. Sure, each person will lean in one direction rather than the other, and leaning in either direction too far maybe too extreme. Too mature, and one may come across as cold and distant, while too immature, and one may come across as a child in a man’s body. However, most average people are both mature and immature at different times. When one is at work, they may act maturely, while among their friends they may act immaturely.

Comparison between Mature and Immature:




Definition (Merriam-Webster)

Having or showing the mental and emotional qualities of an adult

Having a fully grown or developed body : grown to full size

Having reached a final or desired state

Not fully developed or grown

Acting in a childish way : having or showing a lack of emotional maturity


Mature refers to someone who acts their age or someone who acts like an adult.

Someone who acts like a child or tries to act younger than their age.


Acting like an adult

Acting like a child

Acting their age

Acting below their age

Accept responsibilities

Avoid responsibilities

Talk about situations and feelings

Avoid talking about situations and feelings

Accept blame when at fault

Will not accept blame even when at fault. Will blame others.

Talks about appropriate topics at appropriate situations

Will talk about inappropriate topic at inappropriate situations

Have self control

Lets emotions get the better of them

Are independent and self-reliant

Are dependent on others for things

Tries not to get too frustrated

Gets frustrated easily

Will forgive others

Unlikely to forgive others


Take things out of proportion

Use sophisticated humor

Use sophisticated toilet or crass humor.

Secure in their position

Extreme jealousy

Don’t care much about what others think but accept constructive criticism to try and make personal improvements

Inability to take criticism, rather taking it too personally or taking yourself too seriously

Do not need constant attention and gratification. Are confident with who they are.

Constantly seek attention and gratification

Think about other’s needs and give love and affection

Extremely self centered and selfish

Deal more with reality

Deal more with how things should be or live in a dreamscape rather than reality

Learn from experience and improve themselves

Do not learn from their experience and keep making the same mistakes over and over again

Image Courtesy: greatestthingintheworld.com, bernardgoldberg.com

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