Difference between Excluded, Expelled and Suspended
Key Difference: Excluded refers to the state in which one is denied access. It is refusing from being included or considered. Expelled refers to the state in which one is sent away or dismissed permanently. Suspended refers to the state associated with bar for a specific period of time. These words can be used in context to barring or removing from an office, school, position or privilege.
include("ad4th.php"); ?>Excluded expelled and suspended are words which are used in context to people who are kept away from a system (school, college, office, priviledge). The term excluded means denial of access. It can be temporary or permanent. If it is temporary, then the person is kept away from the system for only a specific period of time. It is also known as suspension. Like an employee may be suspended for a month, after which he can return back to work. On the other hand, expelled employee would be one whose services are terminated and he cannot come back to the office. It can also be known as permanent excusion.
Excluded, expelled and suspended, these terms are commonly associated with the banning of students to attend the schools. A student’s continuous misbehavior in his school can lead to any of the three scenarios depending upon the severity of misbehavior or any other type of activity which is not expected from a student.
Schools play a vital role in a person’s life. Schools and other institutions which are involved in providing any kinds of education need to ensure the maintainability of discipline. If a student does not obey rules and regulations pertaining to the school, a school needs to take a strict action against that particular student.
include("ad3rd.php"); ?>If a student is suspended, it means that the student is banned from attending the classes or coming to the school for a certain period of time. It can also be considered as a kind of formal removal of a student until the board or the committee of school decides what to do with that particular student. This interrupts the studies of the student, and the student is not aware that whether he will be able to attend the classes in the same school or not.
Excluded is related to both terms - expelled and suspended. The term excluded is used in context to students who cannot be tolerated at all,, in the school and must be removed from the school. Excluded, generally includes two types-
Fixed period – A student is not allowed to attend the school for a specific period of time.
Permanent period – A student has committed a very serious type of act, and thus the student is not allowed to continue at the school resulting in the termination of enrollment of the student with the school.
If a student is expelled, it means the student cannot be retained in the school anticipating the serious consequences, and therefore the student’s enrollment is permanently terminated.
If a student is temporarily excluded, it can also be referred to as suspension. Similarly, a permanent exclusion is regarded to be the same as expulsion.
In New Zealand, a student cannot be deprived from his or her basic education, and therefore a student generally below 16 years of age cannot be asked to leave studies. However, it is the responsibility of the school to find a new school for that particular student.
If a student is expelled, it means that a student is not enrolled anymore with the school. It is applicable for students above 16 years of age and the school is adamant to terminate the enrollment of that particular student. Unlike, for an excluded student, school is not responsible to find an alternate school for the expelled student.
Comparison between Excluded, Expelled and Suspended (in context to schools):
Excluded |
Expelled |
Suspended |
Definition |
A student is not allowed to attend the school. A student may be temporarily or permanently excluded |
A student is officially asked to leave the school. The enrollment is terminated. Expulsion can also be referred to as a permanent exclusion |
A student is bared for a period of time to attend the school. The suspension can also be called as temporarily exclusion |
State |
A general term covering both suspended and expelled states |
Permanent |
Temporary |
Definition (New Zealand) |
It refers to termination the enrollment of a student. It essentially includes the condition of finding an alternate school for that student. It is applicable for students below 16 years of age |
It refers to termination the enrollment of a student. There is no requirement of finding another school for that particular student. It is applicable for students above 16 years of age |
It refers to the formal removal of the student until the board meeting takes place deciding the status of enrollment. No specific age group defined for suspending a student
Result (New Zealand) |
A student studies in some other school |
A student is no longer enrolled with the same school |
Depends upon the board’s decision. They can either - Lift the suspension (with or without conditions) Extend the suspension (with conditions) Terminate student’s enrollment
Image Courtesy: aschoolreport.com, countmyvoteutah.org, countmyvoteutah.org
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