Difference between Peace and Piece

Key Difference: Peace refers to the absence of conflict, war, and disturbance. It is commonly used to refer to a period where there is little to no conflict.On the other hand, ‘piece’ refers to a part of something whole or a particular item, but it also has other contexts where the word is used.

PeaceThere are many words in the English language that have a similar or the same pronunciation, but they differ when it comes to meaning. These words are called homophones, which basically means that the words sound the same but they have different meaning. It can often make learning English a bit difficult, but with patience and practice, it is very easy to spot such words.

‘Peace’ and ‘piece’ are such homophonic words. While, both are pronounced in the same way, they both refer to different things. In this article, we will simplify exactly what each means and how you can easily tell them apart.

Peace refers to the absence of conflict, war, and disturbance. It is commonly used to refer to a period where there is little to no conflict. It is derived from the Latin word pacem which means a peace treaty, an agreement, or tranquility. Imagine a beach that is empty and you are sitting under a large umbrella, with the noise of the waves in the background – sounds pretty peaceful doesn’t it? That is one of the best ways to describe peace, where a person is happy, calm, tranquil and free. Another place where peace is used is often when you want to turn off distractions, disturbances, and loud noises, especially when focusing on an important task. For example, Sam asked for a little peace and quiet so that he could finish working on his project.

PieceOn the other hand, ‘piece’ refers to a part of something whole or a particular item, but it also has other contexts where the word is used. An easy way to remember the definition and spelling of piece is the word ‘pie’; the word piece includes pie, you can easily remember a piece of pie. Few examples of using piece include:

  • He wanted a piece of the chocolate cake. (Referring to a part of something whole)
  • He lost the chess piece. (Referring to a part of a set)
  • It was a beautiful musical piece. (Referring to a particular item)

While both the words can often be confusing for a newbie, hopefully the definitions and examples above offer a more clear indication of which word should be used where. The rest only requires a little patience and experience.

Comparison between Peace and Piece:





Absence of war and conflict, the period where there is no disturbance

Commonly refers to a part of something whole

Dictionary Definitions

  • “the state of not being interrupted or annoyed by worry, problems, noise, or unwanted actions”
  • “freedom from war and violence, especially when people live and work together happily without disagreements”
  • “a part of something”
  • “as a single thing and not divided into smaller pieces”
  • “to break apart into smaller parts”
  • “a single object of a particular type”
  • “something that has been created by an artist, musician, or writer”
  • “a single thing that forms part of a set”

Parts of Speech


Noun, Verb


  • We make war in order to have peace.
  • All he wanted was some peace and quiet to finish studying.
  • It was peaceful here.
  • She was at peace.
  • He wanted a piece of a pie.
  • She wanted to sell the business in one piece.
  • When the cup fell it smashed into pieces.
  • Write it down on a piece of paper.
  • He wrote a wonderful piece on War & Peace.
  • A chess piece.
References: Cambridge Dictionary (Peace, Piece), ThoughtCo, Grammarist,
Word Helper, Grammar
Image Courtesy: WYO.in, pixabay.com

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