Difference between Physics and Metaphysics

Key Difference: Physics is the study of matter. It deals with what matter is and how it reacts with heat, light, electricity, and sound. Physics is a type of natural science. Metaphysics, on the other hand, is a branch of philosophy. It studies the fundamental nature of being and the world.

Physics is the study of matter. It deals with what matter is and how it reacts with heat, light, electricity, and sound. It also studies matter’s motion though space and time, in addition to studying related forces such as energy and force.

Physics is a type of natural science, which means that it tries to study and understand natural phenomenon using observational and empirical evidence. Other natural sciences include biology, chemistry, astronomy, and Earth science.
Metaphysics, on the other hand, is a branch of philosophy. It studies the fundamental nature of being and the world. While there is no simple way to describe metaphysics, it can be said that metaphysics aims to answer two fundamental questions, such as ‘What is ultimately there?” and “What is it like?” Metaphysics tries to understand the existence of the world and the objects in it. It seeks to understand their properties, space and time, cause and effect, and possibility.

Metaphysics includes the study of theology, ontology and cosmology. Theology is the study of the western God as well as religion and spirituality. Ontology is the study of being and the nature of reality, and how they are related to each other. Cosmology is the study of the origin, fundamental structure, nature, and dynamics of the universe.

The world is a complex place. We as humans barely understand a part of it. We are constantly learning and making breakthroughs. Yet, we still have tons of things to learn. Physical and natural sciences aim to answer questions related to the world. They seek answers to how things work and how they came about in the first place. Whereas, philosophical sciences, such as Metaphysics aims to answer question such as why did these things come into place? Why do these things exist and what purpose do they serve. It can be said that physics look at the world and tries to understand it, whereas metaphysics looks inward and tries to understand one’s self in relation to the world. Physics studies science, metaphysics studies spirit. Physics asks the question how we exist, whereas metaphysics ask the question why we exist.

Comparison between Physics and Metaphysics:




Definition (Merriam-Webster)

  • A science that deals with matter and energy and the way they act on each other in heat, light, electricity, and sound
  • The physical processes and phenomena of a particular system
  • The physical properties and composition of something
  • A division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being and that includes ontology, cosmology, and often epistemology
  • Abstract philosophical studies :  a study of what is outside objective experience


Physics studies matter, force, and energy, as well as their interaction with the world.

Metaphysics studies the fundamental nature of reality and its purpose.


Natural science



All about nature, natural phenomenon, and human understanding of all relationships

Tries to answer the why part of all things.


  • Practical
  • Scientific Method
  • Analysis
  • Empirical
  • Verifiable
  • Falsifiable
  • Can be proven
  • Consistent, once proven
  • Conclusive
  • Looks at the world. i.e. external sources
  • Asks how we exist
  • Abstract
  • Philosophical
  • Thoughts
  • Cannot be proven
  • Based on beliefs
  • Inconclusive
  • Inconsistent
  • Looks inside i.e. internal sources
  • Asks why we exist

Image Courtesy: vvit.org, unitychristchurch.org

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Science isn't verifiable for Popper's sake! Induction cannot provide proof! Also, metaphysics, ideally, is as consistent as a science because -like a science- it is a logical construct. Stop spreading misinformation.

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