Difference between Soybean Oil and Olive Oil

Key difference: The major difference between soybean and olive oil lies between their fat types; i.e. Soybean oil contains polyunsaturated fats; while Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats.

Almost all oils are obtained from some types of plant sources; while the oil categories contain different types of fats, according to which they differ and are uniquely identified. Consequently, Soybean oil is one of the types of vegetable oil; while Olive oil which is a fat is obtained from olive seeds. In today's world, Oils are making trends in the cooking and baking fields. They play the most essential ingredients role in many sectors; oils like soybean and olive are used in other fields like cosmetic and are applicablein the health related issues. These oils at some stage are recommended by the dieticians or physicists, in order to maintain a healthy and happy life.

Soybean oil is most beneficial for baking, frying, cooking and salad dressings. The oil is obtained from the well known and cultivated soybean seeds; which are considered to be the rich source of proteins. The oil is rich in oxidation-prone linolenic acid; poly- and monounsaturated fats; low in saturated fats and trans fat-free; along with these compositions the oil is also a rich source of proteins.

Soybean oil is processed to form drying oil, which is further used in the applications of printing inks (soy ink) and oil paints. Other than cooking, the oil has tremendous number of decorating applications in mayonnaise, salad dressings, frozen foods, imitation dairy and meat products and commercially baked goods like margarine. Along with these the oil can also be used in shortening purposes in the old-fashioned pie crust or blended with a flavored vinegar for a new dressing, as the oil’s natural flavor gets adapted to the one in which it is used.

Olive oils are known for their rich and extra healthy benefits. From traditional times, olive oils are extracted from the olive seeds. The oil has unique types; they are categorized according to their extraction types into:

  • Extra Virgin olive oil- comes from the first pressing of the olives;
  • Virgin Olive oil - oil does not undergo any refinement;
  • Olive oil - it’s a blend of virgin olive oil and lower-quality refined olive oil
  • Olive Pomace oil - this is very refined olive oil, obtained from the residue that remains once the oil is pressed

Among the all above, the extra-virgin oil is regarded to be the best of all, sue to nits healthier cooking benefits.

The olive oils have applications in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, soaps and also it act as a fuel for traditional oil lamps. Olive oils and their types are of particular flavor texture and shelf-life makes them more useful in different applications like, human direct consumption on bread, or salads; also applicable in the indirect consumption in domestic cooking and catering, along with the industrial uses such as animal feed or engineering.  

In comparison factors, soybean oil is one such type of oil which has a mild flavor and is easily applicable in the cooking fields; whereas olive oils and their categories are available in different flavors and features, hence, these are applicable according to their uses in the relevant fields. Both oils are obtained from plant sources, and both are liquid at room temperatures, but they have a major difference in the health related issues; i.e. soybean oil possessing polyunsaturated fats are known to lower down the total blood cholesterol level; whereas olive oils which posses the monounsaturated type of fats are known to lower the LDL (Lousy) Blood cholesterol level.

Comparison between Soybean Oil and Olive Oil:


Soybean Oil

Olive Oil

Oil extracted from

Soybean seeds

Olive seeds

Their origin and types

It is one among the various vegetable oils.

Olive oil could be extra-virgin, virgin, light/pure, or blended.

Types of fats

Polyunsaturated fats

Monounsaturated fats

How are they obtained?

soybeans are cracked, adjusted for moisture content, heated to between 60 and 88 ºC (140–190 °F), rolled into flakes, and solvent-extracted with hexanes ; sometimes the oil is also hydrogenated

olive seeds are pressed mostly in cold temperature

Applicable in

baking, frying, stir-frying

cold/raw for salad dressing or with bread; light/pure for sauteing and frying

Lower's down

Total blood cholesterol level

Lousy (LDL) blood cholesterol level

Some Health benefits

  • Nutritional Supplement in Intravenous Feedings
  • Established role in the treatment of patients suffering from Alzheimer's Disease
  • Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
  • Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil protects against Alzheimer's Disease
  • Helps Prevent Acute Pancreatitis
  • Protects the Liver
  • Protects from Ulcerative Colitis
  • Helps Prevent Stroke

Image Courtesy: iran-banner.com, paleonick.com

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