Difference between Train and Tram

Key Difference: A train runs on laid tracks of iron rails and is generally used for long distances; a train usually runs outside city limits. A tram is also a rail borne mode of transportation designed to travel short distances on streets in the city and runs along public urban streets.

A train is a mode of transportation that runs on specially laid tracks of iron rails and is generally used for long distances; a train usually runs outside city limits A tram is also a mode of transportation based on rails, designed to travel short distances on streets in the city and have specially laid tracks that are in the same level as the road. A tram is also known as tramcar or trolley car. It may also run between cities or towns. Trams differ from trains as trains are mostly engaged in long distance transportation. Trams are shorter in comparison with trains and are lighter.  A tram may also run on railway tracks.  Tram ways also include horse and mule driven trams and still in many places are used for providing a different experience. Most of the trams use electrical power that is supplied by an overhead apparatus present on the roof of tram. Few trams also use diesel. Earlier Trams used steam, petrol or gas as the source of power but now the systems have been upgraded to electrical power.

 Originally horse cars drawn by draft horses were referred as trams but now the term tram is associated with different vehicle types. According to en.wikipedia.org, the first tram came into existence in south Walse, UK; a horse driven at first and then later steam powered trams were introduced. Tram engines were modified so that they do not create any problem. The wheels and moving parts of machinery were usually enclosed so that they do not create noise pollution and thus the public do not get disturbed. Then Cable hauled were introduced; it was pulled along a fixed track with the help of mocing steel cable. Finally in 1880 things shifted to electric version of tram. Later gas trams also emerged and were powered by gases like naphtha, coal gas etc.

A train is also a form of rail transport that consists of series of vehicles coupled together and is drawn by a locomotive. It is used to transport freight or passengers from one place to another. Historically steam powered trains were used but now diesel and electric sources are being harnessed. A freight train is specifically used to transport goods or materials. A train consists of coaches. High-speed rails are growing fast as they can run above 200 km/h of speed.





A train is a mode of transportation but they run on specially laid tracks of iron rails and is generally used for long distances; a train usually runs outside city limits

A tram is also a rail borne mode of transportation designed to travel short distances on streets in the city and runs along public urban streets.


A separate track from road generally laid outside the limits of city.

Along a road, sharing the road with other modes of transportation


Mostly to connect long distance cities etc.

Mostly to cover short distances


In general, train is longer than tram

In general, train is longer than tram

Meant for

Both passengers and goods

In general, for passengers.

Track level

A few inches above the ground.

Same level as the road

Image Courtesy: ascensionearth2012.org, thetram.net

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I believe the 'Track' information in the chart also needs to be swapped.

Thanks Adrian! Correction made.

How about Tracks?? Shouldn't that be swapped as well?

Thanks Raj! Correction made.

In the comparison chart, there is mistake under Purpose definition.it should be swapped

Thanks Usman for pointing out the mistake.
We made the changes.

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