Programming & Design

Meta Title vs Page Title

Meta Title vs Page Title
The term Page Title refers to the tag <title>Example of a title</title>. A meta title refers to the tag <META NAME="Title" CONTENT="Page Title Here">. Both the tags show...

Meta Tags vs Meta Description

Meta Tags vs Meta Description
Meta tags tell browsers and other web services specific information regarding the page. Meta Description tag is a small summary or description of what the webpage holds.

Encryption vs Encoding vs Hashing

Encryption vs Encoding vs Hashing
Encryption, encoding and hashing are techniques used for converting the format of data. Encryption is used for changing plain text into cipher text so that only authorized entities can understand it. Encoding...


The terms ‘pdf’ and ‘cdf’ are file extensions or formats that allows users to read any electronic document on the internet, whether offline or online. The main differences between the two are based on their...

Minification vs Obfuscation

Minification vs Obfuscation
Obfuscation and minification are two commonly used terms in programming, especially in JavaScript programming. Minification defines a process by which the files are modified by removing all unnecessary...


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