Difference between Chemical Weapons and Biological Weapons

Key Difference: A chemical weapon is any weapon that uses a man-made chemical to kill people. On the other hand, a biological weapon uses a bacteria or virus, or in some cases poison that comes directly from bacteria to kill people.

Chemical weapons and biological weapons are two of the most devastating and calamitous weapons. These are such kind of weapons which are very harmful to human population.

A chemical weapon is any weapon that uses a man-made chemical to kill people. Chemical weapons can be widely discrete in a solid, liquid and gaseous form. It is the effortless way for subversive to kill people. For the last so many years, these chemical weapons are used all over the world. However, it has been decided for chemical weapons to be eliminated from the face of the planet. Chemical weapons were never used in ancient times, as they didn't have the technology. If the chemical weapon is placed ideally, it can kill 100 to 1000 times less people as compared to one biological weapon of the same weight. According to howstuffworks.com, “In World War I, the German army released tons of the gas to create a cloud that the wind carried toward the enemy”.

Biological weapons are actual living organisms like a virus. They are slower acting, spreading a disease such as Anthrax or Smallpox through a population before the first signs are noticed. If you were to dump a load of human waste into a town's well, that would be a simple form of biological warfare; human and animal waste contain bacteria that are deadly in a variety of ways.

Biological weapons are less mass-destructive, but more dangerous. Biological representatives are living organisms that have a spiteful habit of spreading from host to host. They're the gift that keeps on giving. Plus, symptoms take time to manifest. Deadly disease may have spread before anyone's aware an attack has occurred.

Comparison between Chemical Weapons and Biological Weapons:


Chemical Weapons

Biological Weapons


A chemical weapon is any weapon that uses a man-made chemical to kill people.

A biological weapon uses a bacteria or virus, or in some cases poison that comes directly from bacteria to kill people.


Chemical weapons use chemical agents.

Biological weapons use bacteria from the earth and weaponize the bacteria.


Chemical weapons were never used in ancient times, as they didn't have the technology.

Biological weapons were used for centuries in such ways as throwing dead bodies into their enemies' water supply to sabotage it.

Cause of death or injury




Only those who come into contact with them.

Some can spread beyond people who are initially affected.


More expensive

Less expensive

Effortlessness of Manufacturing

Slightly less difficult.

Slightly more difficult because they involve sensitive living organisms.

Speed of Effects

Almost instantaneous

Take time to develop

Amenities for production and storage

Much bigger space

Less space

Number of people can be killed

One chemical weapon can kill 100 to 1000 times less people as compared to one biological weapon of the same weight.

One biological weapon cal kill 100 to 10000 times as many people as compared to one chemical weapon of the same weight.

Image Courtesy: chemistry.about.com, bioprepwatch.com

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