Difference between Lawyer and Judge

Key Difference: A lawyer is a person who practices law, whereas a judge is a person who presides over the law.

One of the founding stones of civilization is law and order. Without law and order, society will be chaos. The purpose of law and order is to correct wrongs, maintain the stability of political and social authority, and deliver justice. There are many roles to be played in maintaining law and order. Out of these, lawyer and judge are two of them.

Depending according to the country, the roles of lawyer and a judge might differ. However, the following definition is generally true. A lawyer is a person who practices law, whereas a judge is a person who presides over the law.

It is the job of a lawyer to advise their clients in all aspects of the law. They may also prepare a case for their clients and argue it on their behalf in a court of law.

The judge, on the other hand, presides over the court of law. It is his job to hear the arguments of both lawyers, the one defending and the one accusing the said client. The judge must be impartial and make a decision on the case. His decision must be based on his knowledge of the law and his or her own personal judgment.

In some countries, the judge might share his duties with a jury, who may issue the ruling on the case.

Comparison between Lawyer and Judge:




Also known as

Attorney, counsel or solicitor

Justice, magistrate


A person who practices law

A person who presides over court proceedings


Advises and represents his client and might defend him as well in matters of the law. The role of the lawyer is to prepare a case for their clients.

Hears all the witnesses and any other evidence presented by the parties of the case, assesses the credibility and arguments of the parties, and then issues a ruling on the matter at hand based on his or her interpretation of the law and his or her own personal judgment.


Law school and must pass a standardized bar exam

Law school, must pass a standardized bar exam, and have experience as a lawyer

Image Courtesy: becuo.com, motivationalmemo.com

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