Difference between Corroboration and Collaboration

Key Difference: Collaboration is the act of working together. People or organizations work jointly in order to achieve common goals. On the other hand, corroboration is the act of confirming or supporting by providing some proof or evidence.

Collaboration and corroboration many sound similar, but they both are different from each other. Collaboration refers to join someone to accomplish a task. On the other hand, corroboration is associated with providing a strong proof or evident in order to support something. The term corroboration is generally used in legal contexts.

Collaboration refers to the act of associating or working with someone in order to produce or achieve something. It nourishes the team spirit in a group of individuals. It may be used for individuals or organization working together for some or the other benefit (monetary or non-monetary). The word has been derived from Latin word collaboratio(n-), from collaborare meaning  'work together'.

Collaboration may be done for various reasons. For example, people may collaborate to reach to a solution which cannot be reached due to limited thinking of an individual.

Corroboration is the act of supporting by furnishing some information or evidence. It is used for confirmation or to provide some support to the claim. The word has been derived from the Latin word corroboratus, past participle of corroborare, fromcom- + robor-, robur meaning strength. This term is widely used in the field of law.  In R v Baskerville Lord Reading CJ defines “corroboration” in legal context as follows:

“We hold that evidence in corroboration must be independent testimony which affects the accused by connecting or tending to connect him with the crime. In other words, it must be evidence which implicates him, that sis, which confirms in some material particular not only the evidence that the crime has been committed, but also the prisoner committed it.”

Therefore, collaboration and corroboration are both different from each other. Collaboration is important for many reasons. Collaboration enhances creativity in the workplace. Collaboration helps in sharing thoughts and information. Corroboration is about supporting a fact, statement, opinions by adding some type of proof. The word is commonly used in legal aspect where corroboration is required in most of the cases.

Comparison between Corroboration and Collaboration:





Corroboration is the act of supporting by furnishing some information or evidence. It is used for confirmation or to provide some support to the claim

Collaboration refers to the act of associating or working with someone in order to produce or achieve something. It nourishes the team spirit in a group of individuals.

Word Origin

From Latin word corroboratus, past participle of corroborare, fromcom- + robor-, robur meaning strength.

From Latin word collaboratio(n-), from collaborare meaning  'work together'.

Part of speech

The verb corroborate turns into the noun corroboration

The verb collaborate turns into the noun collaboration

Usage in sentences

  • Corroboration of the essential facts is necessary to proceed in the case.
  • I do not think that corroboration is required to support my words.
  • Collaboration is often considered as a key to business success.
  • They celebrated the collaboration of two companies.

Image Courtesy: onlinelearninginsights.wordpress.com, freetestprep.net 

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