Difference between Ebook and Printed Book

Key Difference: A printed book is basically a set of printed sheets of paper which are put together and encased in a protective cover. EBook stands for electronic book. It is an electronic version of a conventional printed book.

A book is a collection of printed papers which are held together, and this collection is encased in a cover. This book can be physically felt and touched. The content of a book may be fictional or non-fictional. On the other hand, an eBook is an electronic version of printed book. These types of books can only be read on a device like computer or on some compatible handheld devices.

A printed book and eBook are quite different from each other.

The primary distinction can be made on the basis of look and feel. A printed book can be felt physically. One can just touch it, and feel the texture of pages. However, an eBook can only be seen electronically. One cannot touch the pages, however, can easily view the content with devices like computers, laptops, eBook readers, etc. it depends upon the reader that what kind of experience he prefers over the other.

Another difference is that one cannot make alteration in the printed book, in context to font, etc. However, an eBook provides these types of options like changing the font size. This provides a greater flexibility to the user. One may bigger the size of font in order to read it properly. A printed book is not dependent on any other device. However, an electronic screen is must for reading an eBook like computer, eBook readers, etc.

The main advantage of a printed book remains to be the whole experience of touching and flipping the pages of a book, as a tangible item. People love to collect them and often look at the storage as a small library of their own. On the other hand, electronic version provides a greater storage option as hundreds or even more books can be easily stored in one device. It is quiet easy to buy such a book, through online purchasing, and one can just start reading it right away. It depends upon the reader that what he prefers over the other.

Comparison between EBook and Printed Book:



Printed Book


 It is an electronic version of a conventional printed book.

A printed book is basically a set of printed sheets of paper which are put together and encased in a protective cover.


Hundreds, or even thousands of eBooks can be stored in a single device

This books require a physical space to get stored.


One can just carry a single device with many eBooks

Being a tangible item, the weight of the book defines the portability of the printed book


Generally, these are comparatively cheaper than the printed books. However, eBook readers and computers may incur some added expenses

These are comparatively expensive than the eBooks.


Most of the eBooks cannot be retrieved fast, as it may take some time to load them

One can just start reading it after picking them. The pages can be easily flipped or bookmarked.


EBook readers are composed of plastic and metal, thus one cannot experience the real feel of the book

Printed books are made of paper. One can touch and feel the texture of the book.


Some basic knowledge of computer is required in order to read an eBook. EBook reads need to be installed and learned

Very easy to read.


Tends to be more durable, as they cannot be affected by physical damages. However, a virus can create a problem.

They are prone to any of the physical damages like getting wet or tearing.


Most of the eBooks are not eligible for being shared due to licensing restrictions and digital rights

One can easily share and resell the book

Resource required


Paper (cycled or recycled)

Image Courtesy: telegraph.co.uk, thepinstripedsuit.com

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