Media & Journalism

Terrorist vs Militant

Terrorist vs Militant
Militant refers to anyone who uses aggressive or confrontational tactics to fight for something they believe in. Whereas, Terrorist is someone who uses violence especially against civilians to spread fear and...

Opinion Poll vs Exit Poll

Opinion Poll vs Exit Poll
Opinion Polls and Exit Polls are both indicators of voter’s choice during the elections. The main difference between the two is that opinion poll is exercised before the voter actually votes. People are asked...

Breaking News vs Flash News

Breaking News vs Flash News
Breaking news refers to an important current event that due to its importance interrupts the current program and the details of the event are reported whereas flash news is a small snippet of an important...

Journal vs Magazine

Journal vs Magazine
Magazines are popular periodicals that are published for the entertainment of people. They may contain number fluff pieces, general knowledge articles, celebrity news and gossip, etc. Journals are serious,...

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