Difference between Green Card and Work Permit

Key Difference:  Green card is the card which is issued by the U.S. immigration authorities to non-U.S. citizens authorizing them to live and work within the borders of the United States. Work permit refers to another type of legal authorization which is issued by the concerned authority of the country allowing a person to take employment. It is usually used in context to a person who wants to work in a country but does not hold that country’s citizenship. In U.S., it is issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

A Green Card refers to the permission which authorizes a person to live as well as work in the United States. The validity of this permission is indefinite which means that it is provided on a permanent basis.

This card is issued to a person who shifts to the United States from his or her native country. This card is a permission to stay and work in the United States throughout life. It acts as a strong proof of identity for the person and helps him to work within the borders of the United States. These cards must be renewed after every ten years. It is known as green card because originally it was printed on a green paper. 

A work permit is a legal document which authorizes a foreigner to work in the country. It is issued on a temporarily basis. Generally, the process initiates at the immigration office. Usually, it allows to work with a company or even work as self-employed or for business. The business however needs to be registered. Work permit may also means an authorization to work under the age of 18.

Different countries have different norms related to the work permit. For example, in the United kingdom there are seven standard ways to apply for a work permit  which includes, student internships, GATS, Ancestry Visa, etc. A work permit may also refer to the letter which is issued by the employer providing the permission to the person to work with them. It comes under an agreement.

In the Unites States, this work permit is known as the Employment Authorization Document which acts as a proof of eligibility to work in the United States. This is issued to a non U.S-citizen or a non-lawful permanent resident. This document is issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. It is valid for one year and then it can be renewed. In some states, it is often required to possess a work permit by the minors if they want to work. It is issued by the school system which the minor attends.

If a person possesses a Green card already, he is not required to have this employment authorization document to work in the United states. Since, Green Card is generally used in context to the Unites States, one can differentiate a green card and work permit of United States. A green card holder enjoys benefits like free medicals, unemployment benefits, etc, which are not enjoyed by work permit holders.

Comparison between Green Card and Work Permit in U.S:


Green Card

Work Permit


Green card is the card which is issued by the US immigration authorities to non-U.S. citizens authorizing them to live and work within the borders of the United States.

This work permit is known as the Employment Authorization Document which acts as a proof of eligibility to work in the United States. This is issued to a non U.S-citizen or a non-lawful permanent resident.

In some states, a minor needs to possess this card in order to work.


To live permanently in the United States

To travel in and out of the U.S.

To work in the United States

To work in the United States.


Issuing Authority

US immigration authorities

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

A minor work permit is issued by the school system attended by him.


Permanent (however, must be renewed after every ten years)

One year, and then it can also be renewed

Image Courtesy: theproducersperspective.com, path2usa.com

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