Difference between Cow Milk and Buffalo Milk

Key Difference: Buffalo milk contains higher total solids than cow milk. This makes the buffalo milk thicker and creamier. In fact, buffalo milk is considered to have almost twice as much fat content as cow’s milk. Furthermore, buffalo milk is considered to have less cholesterol, more fat, and more calories than cow’s milk.

Milk is one of the most basic food substances. It is the first food that anyone eats or drinks ever, and the only one that we continue to ingest one way or another throughout our lifetime. While, milk is technically produced by all mammals, the milk that is most commonly consumed by humans comes from cows and secondarily from buffaloes.

Both cows and buffaloes are types of bovines, which also includes bison, African buffalo, the yak, and the four-horned and spiral-horned antelopes. Buffaloes are officially known as the water buffalo or domestic Asian water buffalo. India is the world's largest producer and consumer of milk. However, it does not export or import milk. New Zealand, the European Union's 28 member states, Australia, and the United States are the world's largest exporters of milk and milk products; while, China and Russia are the world's largest importers.

Cow milk is the most common type of milk available. According to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about 85% of milk consumed in the world comes from cows, and about 11% comes from buffaloes. Cow milk is consumer all over the world, but buffalo milk is more common in South East Asia, specifically in India and Pakistan.

Both cow milk and buffalo milk differ in many instances. Buffalo milk contains higher total solids than cow milk. This makes the buffalo milk thicker and creamier. In fact, buffalo milk is considered to have almost twice as much fat content as cow’s milk. Furthermore, buffalo milk is considered to have less cholesterol, more fat, and more calories than cow’s milk.

Buffalo milk can also be preserved for a longer period of time than cow milk due to the high peroxidase activity in it. Peroxidase is a family of enzymes that act as a catalyst for reactions. Also, buffalo milk is considered to have more calcium, better calcium to phosphorous ratio, and less sodium and potassium than cow’s milk. Whereas, cow’s milk tends to have a large amount of iodine and still have good amounts of minerals like calcium and phosphorus.

Comparison between Cow Milk and Buffalo Milk:


Cow Milk

Buffalo Milk


Milk produced by a cow

Milk produced by a buffalo, officially known as the water buffalo or domestic Asian water buffalo


Less thick and creamy

Thick and creamy


Curds, sweets, cheese

Khoa, Yogurt, Paneer (Cottage cheese), creamy desserts, Malai, Kulfi and Ghee

Consumed in

Consumed all over the world, especially western countries.

Mainly is India and Pakistan. Not consumed in western countries apart from Italy.

Cholesterol Content

More cholesterol

Total cholesterol 330 mg and free cholesterol 280mg per 100 g of fat

Less cholesterol

Total cholesterol 275 mg and free cholesterol 212mg per 100 g of fat

Fat Content

Less fat, half than buffalo milk.

More fat, almost 100% more

Calories Content

Less calories

70 calories are derived from 100g of cow milk

More calories

100 calories are derived from 100g of buffalo milk

Nutritional Value

Cow’s milk is extremely rich in iodine and has a good amount of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.

Buffalo milk contains more calcium, better calcium to phosphorous ratio, and less sodium and potassium.

Health Benefits

Cow’s milk is beneficial for healthy bones, dental health, obesity reduction in children, protection from thyroid and protection of heart.

Buffalo’s milk is good for healthy bones, dental health, cardiovascular health and weight gain.


Can’t be preserve for long.

Can be preserved for longer than cow milk.

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