Society & Culture

Personal Communication vs Impersonal Communication

A personal conversation is with someone who you know intimately and the conversation has a deeper context, while impersonal conversation is with someone who you’ve just met and the conversation is superficial.
Teen vs Tween

Tweens refer to a person who hasn’t yet entered the teen years, but they are too young to be called a child. And teenagers are people between the ages 13-19.
Theism vs Deism

Both Theism and Deism are schools of thought dealing primarily with the presence of God and his role in our lives. Theism is the belief that at least one god exists and that he or they created the universe and governs it. Deism is the belief that a higher being, i.e. god exists, but does not tell people what to do.
Citizenship vs Nationality

The primarily differentiating factor between citizenship and nationality is that citizenship is more of a political and legal concept, whereas nationality is more of a cultural and ethical notion.
Citizen vs Civilian

The term citizen denotes a person who is generally accepted as a resident or subject of a country by its government. The term civilian, on the other hand, denotes any person who is not part of the military or any armed forces.
Bishop vs Pastor

In Christianity, the two terms generally mean the same thing. They both refer to people that have a leadership role to guide and advice people regarding their spirituality. In the Roman Catholic Church, the bishop is an office where they are responsible for looking after a group of churches and congregations.
Gift vs Present

Gift and Present are two terms that are often confused. The term ‘present’ has many various definitions, whereas ‘gift’ generally has one. Gift also has a more formal and grander implication than ‘present’.
Atheism vs Theism

Atheism and Theism both deal with religion and the existence of God. The primary difference between Atheism and Theism is the fact that theism is the belief in the existence of God, whereas Atheism is the belief in the non-existence of God.
Pansexual vs Bisexual

Bisexual is someone who is attracted to both genders, be it a man or a woman. A pansexual is a person who is sexually, romantically or emotionally attracted towards people regardless of their sex or gender identity.
Blind vs Visually Impaired

Visually impaired is a blanket term that refers to a condition where the person does not have a perfect or near perfect vision, which cannot be repaired via usual means, such as glasses or contacts. The term blindness defines a condition where the person cannot see anything, i.e. complete or nearly complete vision loss. Blindness is technically a part of visual impairment.
Rishi vs Muni

A muni is a person who does introspection or who is thoughtful. Basically, a muni is somewhat like a philosopher who thinks about how and why things are the way they are. A rishi is someone who is generally considered to be on a higher plane of learning and understanding due to their hundreds of years of tapas or meditation.
Gay vs Lesbian

Gay is an umbrella term, which covers any person who is a homosexual, regardless of gender. Lesbian is specifically used to refer to women who are attracted to other women.
Industrialization vs Urbanization

The term industrialization generally refers to the process of shifting from hand production to machine production. The term urbanization refers to the process of people migrating from rural areas (such as villages and towns) to large cities.
Tolerance vs Intolerance

Tolerance means to be able to allow and accept the existence of something that differs from your own beliefs or opinions. Most commonly the term is used in the context of religious or political beliefs. Intolerance is when people cannot accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from their own.
American Culture vs British Culture

The history of America and Britain is intertwined which is why there are a lot of similarities. However, there are many differences between the two cultures as well, including but not limited to behavior, sense of humor, television, preference of food and drinks, sports, etc.


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