
Different Types of Nouns

Different Types of Nouns
Nouns name people, place and things. There are many different classes of nouns. A noun can belong to more than one class.

Meiosis in Males vs Females

Meiosis in Males vs Females
Meiosis in males and females differ greatly in context to aspects like timing and continuity of events. The process in males and females also differ especially in terms of the actual gamete produced. Meiosis...

Girls vs Women

Girls vs Women
‘Girl’ refers to a female from birth through childhood and adolescence to adulthood, after which she is usually referred to as a ‘woman’. ‘Girl’ can also be used to refer to a young woman, while, ‘woman’ may...

Sex vs Gender

Sex vs Gender
Sex is more commonly used to refer to the biological anatomy of a person. It is how the person was born. Gender is the role or differentiation that is created by the society. Gender is influenced by the...

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