Difference between Data and Information

Key difference: Data and information are interrelated. Data usually refers to raw data or unprocessed data. It is the basic form of data, data that hasn’t been analyzed or processed in any manner. Once the data is analyzed, it is considered as information. Information is "knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance." Information is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. It provides knowledge or insight about a certain matter.

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difference between data and information Data and information are interrelated. In fact, they are often mistakenly used interchangeably. Data is considered to be raw data. It represents ‘values of qualitative or quantitative variables, belonging to a set of items.’ It may be in the form of numbers, letters, or a set of characters. It is often collected via measurements. In data computing or data processing, data is represented by in a structure, such as tabular data, data tree, a data graph, etc. Also see: Data Masking Vs Data Obfuscation 

Data usually refers to raw data or unprocessed data. It is the basic form of data, data that hasn’t been analyzed or processed in any manner. Once the data is analyzed, it is considered as information.

Information is "knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance." Information is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. It provides knowledge or insight about a certain matter. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals.

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Basically, information is the message that is being conveyed, whereas data are plain facts. Once the data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context, it can become useful. Then data will become information, knowledge.

Data in itself is fairly useless until it is interpreted or processed to get meaning, to get information. In computing, it can be said that data is the computer's language. It is the output that the computer gives us. Whereas, information is how we interpret or translate the language or data. It is the human representation of data. Also see: Data Mining Vs. Data Warehousing 

Some differences between data and information:

  • Data is used as input for the computer system. Information is the output of data.
  • Data is unprocessed facts figures. Information is processed data.
  • Data doesn’t depend on Information. Information depends on data.
  • Data is not specific. Information is specific.
  • Data is a single unit. A group of data which carries news and meaning is called Information.
  • Data doesn’t carry meaning. The information must carry a logical meaning.
  • Data is the raw material. Information is the product.

Comparison between Data and Information:




Definition (Oxford Dictionaries)

Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis

Facts provided or learned about something or someone

Data as processed, stored or transmitted by a computer

Refers to

Raw Data

Analyzed Data


Qualitative Or Quantitative Variables that can be used to make ideas or conclusions

A group of data which carries news and meaning

In the form of

Numbers, letters, or a set of characters.

Ideas and inferences

Collected via

Measurements, experiments, etc.

Linking data and making inferences

Represented in

A structure, such as tabular data, a data tree, a data graph, etc.

Language, ideas, and thoughts based on the data


Not analyzed

Always analyzed


Carries no specific meaning

Carries meaning that has been assigned by interpreting data


Information that is collected

Data that has been processed

Image Courtesy: gunston.gmu.edu

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It helped a lot actually for my homework. Very simple to understand

Very simple clarification. Thank You

yea thanks

Too good n simple. ...very helpful. ...Thanks. .

It is so easily explained and understandable

It's really helpful


thanks a lot.clear definitions was given.

vry vry funtestic and jouly information

Very clear clarification, grt
thank u


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