Difference between MPhil and Ph.D.

Key Difference: MPhil is the abbreviated form of ‘Master of Philosophy’, while PhD is abbreviated from ‘Doctor of Philosophy’. The Master of Philosophy (MPhil or Ph.M.) is a post graduate research degree, meaning it is opted for after the completion of a bachelor’s degree. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D., PhD, D.Phil., or DPhil) is a post graduate doctorate degree that is awarded by colleges.

MPhil and PhD are two different types of degrees that can be acquired after completing bachelor’s degree. MPhil is the abbreviated form of ‘Master of Philosophy’, while PhD is abbreviated from ‘Doctor of Philosophy’. Both of these degrees are research degrees, meaning in order to pass the course you have to submit a research paper. There are significant differences between the two courses.

The Master of Philosophy (MPhil or Ph.M.) is a post graduate research degree, meaning it is opted for after the completion of a bachelor’s degree. Most MPhil degrees are a two-year course, but can also be a three year course in some countries. An MPhil is most cases is a thesis-only, and is most commonly regarded as a senior or second Master's degree, ranging between a taught Master's and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). A person may achieve a MPhil after a few years of original research but before the giving a dissertation. The degree may also work as a pre-requisite for enrolling for a Ph.D.

The MPhil has a lesser value compared to a Ph.D. It is most commonly used as a training course in advanced research work and as a stepping stone to excelling in Ph.D. The research that is conducted in an MPhil is usually limited in scope and originality. In the dissertation that one must provide in order to complete the MPhil course, the research does not need to original and can be a replication of research that has already been published. It also allows citation of secondary sources, meaning it is legitimate in MPhil to quote a publication that is quoting someone else.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D., PhD, D.Phil., or DPhil) is a post graduate doctorate degree that is awarded by colleges. The academic level required to complete this course varies according to country, institution, and time period. A person who attains this degree can be referred to as a doctor. The term ‘philosophy’ does not only refer to the field of philosophy, but is used in a broader sense in accordance with its original Greek meaning, which is "love of wisdom". In Europe, this term also included all fields other than theology, law and medicine, which were traditionally known as philosophy.

The requirements for completing Ph.D. degree vary from school to school. In some US, Canada and Denmark universities require additional course work in addition to writing a thesis paper. The thesis is expected to have original academic research which is in principle worthy of publication in a peer-reviewed context. Some universities also require the author of the thesis to defend this work before a panel of expert examiners appointed by the university. The thesis must convey great synthesis and critical ability along with a more detailed investigation of any practical illustrations.

In a nutshell, the MPhil is usually considered as a pre-requisite for doing a Ph.D. The dissertation that is expected to be submitted for MPhil does not need to be original can be a replication of an experiment that has already been conducted by someone else.  The thesis of a Ph.D. needs to be original and will be evaluated by a panel of judges, before the doctorate can be given. The Ph.D. has a higher value compared to a MPhil, where a MPhil is only called as having a Masters, while a Ph.D is called as a doctor. The requirements and different fields that Ph.D and MPhil are offered vary depending on country, nation, region and college.

Image Courtesy: phdadmission.org, ciisn.files.wordpress.com

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Thanks for this good information

thank u for the useful info....:)

Thanks our literature department & our students who as complete this course.

Thanks for such a detailed information.....

thanks for explaining the difference between phd and mhil.

thank you for giving such detailed information about mphil anf phd....ty

Thanks for giving most important and valuable information....thank u very much

Really a sharp and compact difference.thanx

Thx for this kind of knowledge

the degree is very powerful qualificate degree


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