Politics & Government

Revolt vs Revolution

A revolution seeks to gain powers or rights from an oppressive power, or to gain freedom, whereas a revolt is where the people disagree with something like rules, or laws, and come together to show their disapproval.
Signing vs Ratification

Once all the parties agree, then it will be written down on to a document, which will then be signed by all the parties. After signing, comes ratification. Ratification is the process in which the parties
Patriotism vs Nationalism

Patriotism refers to the quality of being patriotic, i.e. to feel proud of one’s country and what it does and has achieved. In nationalism, not only do people love their country, but they actually put their country before themselves and others.
Covert vs Clandestine

Covert refers to something that is not openly acknowledged or displayed, whereas clandestine refers to something that is either kept secret or done secretively. Additionally, things that are clandestine are usually secretive because they are not commonly morally correct.
Procession vs Parade vs Rally

A procession refers to a number of people getting together and walking or moving ahead in an ordered manner. A parade is like a moving party, it is a celebration of a special day or event. A rally is usually held to make a political protest or to show support for a cause. It is commonly for or against something thing or someone.
Citizenship vs Nationality

The primarily differentiating factor between citizenship and nationality is that citizenship is more of a political and legal concept, whereas nationality is more of a cultural and ethical notion.
Citizen vs Civilian

The term citizen denotes a person who is generally accepted as a resident or subject of a country by its government. The term civilian, on the other hand, denotes any person who is not part of the military or any armed forces.
FSSAI License vs FSSAI Registration

Any and all businesses that have anything to do with food have to get a license from FSSAI in order to operate. However, a business whose turnover is below 12 lakhs annually or if their production capacity is below 100kgs per day, need not get an FSSAI License, but rather can get by with just an FSSAI Registration.
FSSAI vs FDA Maharashtra

The FSSAI stands for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, whereas the FDA Maharashtra stands for Food and Drug Administration, Maharashtra. While, the FSSAI has a jurisdiction all over India, FDA Maharashtra only had jurisdiction within the state of Maharashtra.

FSSAI stands for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, whereas FDA stands for Food and Drug Administration. The most significant difference between the two is the fact that the FDA is an agency that operates in the United States of America, whereas the FSSAI operates in India.
Terrorist vs Militant

Militant refers to anyone who uses aggressive or confrontational tactics to fight for something they believe in. Whereas, Terrorist is someone who uses violence especially against civilians to spread fear and terror.
Minor vs Juvenile

A minor refers to somebody who is not yet an adult, at least not in the eyes of the law. The person can be a child or a teenager, as long as they can’t be called as adult. Juvenile may indicate or reference legality. While it does technically mean young, the term is often also used in the sense of the law, where it refers to a young person who has been accused of a crime.
Malpractice vs Negligence

Negligence refers to a sense of duty that each individual has towards each other. However, if that duty is not followed, then it can be termed as negligence. Malpractice can be classified as a segment or a part of negligence, as negligence that causes harm is called malpractice. The terms are most commonly used in the context of medical practice, where they are termed as Medical Malpractice and Medical Negligence.
Lokpal Bill vs Jan Lokpal Bill

The Lokpal Bill, and the subsequent Jan Lokpal Bill are both anti corruption bills that aimed to address the rampant corruption in India. The first Lokpal Bill was introduced in 1968 and was passed by the Lok Sabha in 1969; however it did not get passed by the Rajya Sabha. The Jan Lokpal Bill was a newer version of the bill that was introduced in 2011.
Lokpal vs Lokayukta

The Lokpal is the central governing body that has jurisdiction over all Members of Parliament and central government employees in cases of corruption. The Lokayuktas are similar to the Lokpal, but function on a state level.


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