English as a Second Language

Smile vs Smirk

Smile vs Smirk
The main difference between a smile and a smirk is that a smile is when the lip curl upwards at the corner to express happiness or contentedness; whereas a smirk is a type of smile that displays smugness,...

Final vs Finale

Final vs Finale
Final refers to ‘coming at the end of a series’, whereas finale is ‘the last part of a piece of music, an entertainment, or a public event, especially when particularly dramatic or exciting.’ Hence, both refer...

Graveyard vs Cemetery

Graveyard vs Cemetery
The primary difference between a Graveyard and Cemetery is the fact that a graveyard is located right next to a church and if often associated with that church. Whereas, a cemetery is independent of the church...

Suburbs vs Outskirts

Suburbs vs Outskirts
The suburbs are the parts of the town that are fall outside of the urban section. The suburbs are commonly used only as residential area, and often host very few businesses, if any at all. The outskirts often...

Downtown vs Uptown

Downtown vs Uptown
Downtown refers to what is primarily the commercial center of town, whereas Uptown typically refers to the residential parts of the city, which are often located on the outside of the commercial hub of the...


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