Law & Ethics

Privacy Policy vs Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy vs Terms and Conditions
A Privacy Policy is a statement or a legal document that discloses to the audience that their information in being collected by the website or app. Terms and Conditions are a set of rules and guidelines that...

Privacy Policy vs Disclaimer

Privacy Policy vs Disclaimer
The Privacy Policy should inform the site visitors about the fact that the website will collect the data, as well as what data will be collected and what the data will be used for. A Disclaimer is a statement...

Power of Attorney vs Letter of Authority

Power of Attorney vs Letter of Authority
Both, Power of Attorney and Letter of Authority are used to give someone else power or authority to do something on your behalf. The main difference between the two is the fact that while the Letter of...

Minor vs Juvenile

Minor vs Juvenile
A minor refers to somebody who is not yet an adult, at least not in the eyes of the law. The person can be a child or a teenager, as long as they can’t be called as adult. Juvenile may indicate or reference...

Malpractice vs Negligence

Malpractice vs Negligence
Negligence refers to a sense of duty that each individual has towards each other. However, if that duty is not followed, then it can be termed as negligence. Malpractice can be classified as a segment or a...


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